002. nosy

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it had been a few days since jeno and minji broke up, and by now everyone at their school was talking about it. minji found it pathetic how some people had such a sad life that they retorted to gossiping about other people.

it was funny to see how quickly people switched up after the breakup news. most of them picked jeno's side, but the girl hadn't expected anything else since he was pretty much worshipped by everyone.

while walking through the hallways, she was suddenly stopped when she felt a hand on her shoulder. she turned around and next to her she saw her friend with a pitiful smile on their face.

"how you holding up?"

a soft smile appeared on her face, relieved to see that there was at still someone who still had her back. "i'm feeling like shit to be honest, xiaojun."

his arm reached her back and caressed it reassuringly."it'll be fine. he didn't deserve you anyways."

"i know. it just sucks that everyone seems to think i'm the bad guy here." minji sighed, believing the truth wasn't going to ever come out, and she'd have to live with the burden. "but it's okay, people will probably forget about it soon."

the two friends continued talking while walking to both of their classes. minji had calculus right now and xiaojun had chemistry, so eventually they parted ways to find their assigned lecture halls.

walking inside of the room, the girl immediately spotted her ex-boyfriend sitting in the same spot they used to sit together. after noticing him, she quickly made her way to the other side of the room and sat all the way up.

most eyes were pointed at her. she wasn't dumb, she noticed how everyone was looking at her. they were judging her and she hated it. all she wanted right now was for this class to be over so she could go home and be alone.

suddenly her silent thoughts were being disrupted by a presence next to her. minji didn't expect anyone to voluntarily sit next to her seeing the current circumstances. so she turned her head to see who it was, only to be faced with her worst nightmare.

lee haechan.

with a smug face he took a seat next to her as she looked at him like he just murdered her whole family. the last person, beside jeno, she wanted to see right now was haechan.

"heard you and jeno broke up. is it true?"

she would be lying if she said she hadn't expected his question. it was haechan, of course he was going to be nosy about every single thing in her life to torture her with it.

before she couldn't even answer his question and tell him to piss off, he already silenced her by another unwanted comment of his."i thought you guys were perfect for each other. you know, since you guys are both insufferable cunts."

rolling her eyes, minji flipped him off while receiving an amused laugh. "shut up, donghyuck."

minji was the only person, apart from his family, to ever call him by his real name. she might've even been the only person at the school to know that haechan wasn't his real name.

after moving to the states, he wanted to change his name to something a little easier to pronounce for his fellow students. that was his version of the story anyway.

the actual reason was because minji once told him it sounded like ddong, so she teased him by calling him ddonghyuck, which ultimately was the last straw for him to change his name.

"don't call me that." he hissed, his amused facial expressions fading.

"don't talk to me." she snapped back. "why are you even sitting next to me?"

it was a rhetorical question, since the answer to it was quite obvious and hinted that he should leave. still, dongyuck decided to answer to annoy her.

"because i wanna know about you and jeno."

his answer was straight to the point, as always. if he wanted to say something, he just said it without shame whatsoever.

in response minji scoffed at him. she found him rude and obnoxious for being so nosy and so involved in her business. "why would i tell you. it doesn't even concern you."

"okay, so? i'm bored and i know you're gonna tell me eventually, so you might as well just spill it." he self-righteously said, knowing she would tell him anyways.

though he really pissed her off most of the times, she was almost glad to know that he didn't change his behavior towards her, unlike the rest of the school. he didn't seem to pity her, and he already judged her with his entire being, so nothing really changed.

"why do you want to know so bad? haven't you heard the rumors already?" minji fake-smiled in the hopes he would shut up about it.

currently, the most popular rumor that had spread around the school was that she had cheated on jeno. she figured donghyuck had heard the rumors and found one to believe already, but he wasn't quite convinced yet.

"yeah, i have." he nodded and continued talking. "but i don't believe them."

his answer caught her off guard. donghyuck was the first person she thought would believe the nasty rumors that had spread about her. in fact, she firmly believe he himself would have made some up as well.

"you don't?" the brunette asked, surprised about his previous statement.

donghyuck just shook his head. a small, somewhat reassuring smile appeared on face before he began to speak up.

"you may not be my favorite person, but my trust in you sure as hell is a lot higher than my trust in jeno. i know you, minji. you didn't cheat on him. i refuse to believe that, unlike the rest of this socially brainwashed school."

his words felt oddly wholesome to her, which is why she was prepared to tell him what went down between jeno and her. she just hoped he wouldn't ridicule her for it and use it against her.

"thank you," she softly sighed and continued, "i'll tell you what happened."

and so she told him how her relationship with jeno has always been broken, and how he was being a dick to her moest of the time. of course, she didn't mention the cheating part yet, cause she wasn't ready to talk about that yet.

surprisingly donghyuck didn't make any jokes or teased her about any of it. instead, he listened with all of his attention on her, and she believed to have even spotted a little empathy in his eyes.

"he's a piece of shit. you didn't deserve this, minji. for what it's worth, i think it's for the best you guys broke up." a half-smile appeared on his face, which made minji hate him a little less than she did.

it was weird for her to see him act nice towards her. though it felt comforting, it felt unsettling in a way as well.

"by the way, if you ever tell someone i was nice to you, you are so dead."

and there he is again.

𝐥𝐢𝐞 𝐥𝐢𝐞 𝐥𝐢𝐞, lee haechanWhere stories live. Discover now