016. can i tell you a secret?

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"minji." donghyuck softly called to the girl who was lied next to him on the couch. it was currently well over three am and the two still hadn't gone to sleep after playing several games, getting something to eat and watching a movie.

"did jeno really cheat on you?"

though the question came out of nowhere, it was inevitable, since the boy had overheard her entire conversation with jeno at the party the day before.

minji just wasn't sure if she was ready to talk to him about it yet. after all, she hadn't told anyone, besides her best friends, what exactly happened. so to tell the boy she had been feuding with for years, before even telling her own brother, made her a bit reluctant.

she hesitated before deciding to answer his previous question. "yeah." she mumbled and sat up to look at the boy.

after noticing the cheerless look on minji's face, donghyuck quickly came to realize he had probably killed the mood with his question. he knew it was none of his business, but it had been bothering him since he heard jeno say he slept with audrey.

"i'm sorry that happened to you." the boy briefly patted her shoulder before retracting his hand again, since he didn't really know how to respond to something like that.

minji smiled at his awkwardly sweet gesture. although she felt like shit about the situation, she appreciated his caringness. "it's okay, he was an asshole anyway."

lifting his head to look at her, donghyuck shot a sorrowful look. he wasn't planning on continuing the conversation if she wasn't comfortable talking about it, but he wanted to at least try to comfort her.

"he always seemed so in love with you, i never expected him to do this to you." he told the girl, but it was a lie. he never trusted jeno a bit, which is why he had little faith that his feelings for minji were genuine during their relationship.

minji just shrugged and disappointedly sighed. "can i tell you a secret?" she asked to which donghyuck nodded, waiting for an answer.

"i don't think i ever loved him, so i'm not sad about him cheating."

the boy frowned. hearing her say something like that about a year-long relationship caught him off guard. although he'd never been in a relationship, nor had he ever experienced a heartbreak, he knew he'd be crying for days if someone cheated on him.

"not even a little bit?" he asked with a pitiful look on his face.

"no, so i don't think i'll ever feel sad about it, i'm just mad. at him and audrey. it was honestly a huge slap in the face after everything i've done for them."

𝐥𝐢𝐞 𝐥𝐢𝐞 𝐥𝐢𝐞, lee haechanWhere stories live. Discover now