043. taking action

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minji mumbled to herself whilst staring in the huge golden plated mirror in front of her, in awe of the beauty of the dress that donghyuck's mother designed specially for her.

not even a second later, donghyuck knocked on the door of the dressing room, asking if he was allowed to come in.

as he stepped inside the room, his jaw dropped to the floor. yes, the suit that his mother made for him was beyond beautiful, and he couldn't be more proud of her.

however, nothing could compare to the way the soft fabrics of her dressed hugged her beautiful figure. not only was the dress made for her, she was made for the dress. the girl looked ethereal.

even though donghyuck had previously come to the conclusion that he was already way too deep into it with this girl, this was his final straw. he knew he would probably never look at another girl in the same way.

"hyuck, you're staring."

minji's sudden words snapped him out of his thoughts, causing him readjust his stance, hoping she wouldn't notice the incredibly non-platonic look on his face.

he forced out a cough and briefly looked away before he went insane. "shit, sorry. it's just— you look... wow. you look really pretty."

though it was a sweet compliment, the boy mentally slapped himself in the face for just calling her pretty. then again, it was the best he could come up with since the way she looked was beyond words for him.

minji smiled at him. "you look really pretty too." she told him before the two headed to the party again.


the rest of the launch party, donghyuck couldn't take his eyes off of minji. whether it was the dress or if he really just wanted an excuse to look at her, he couldn't find himself to formulate a right answer.

by now, the people around them had probably noticed his infatuated looks towards the girl, since he suddenly received a slap on his arm by his sister, hyewon.

"stop staring at your girlfriend, idiot. you look like a psycho." his sister called him out on his behavior to which he aggressively hissed at her.

"shut up. she's not my girlfriend" he clapped back, but hyewon just gave him a look.

"either you're pretending you're just friends for us, or you're fooling the rest of the world, but you're not fooling me."

in response, the older sibling tried to act offended when he heard his sister accuse him of lying, but it was no use. when it came to his family, he was a terrible liar.

before donghyuck could find some lame excuse to defend himself, his sister continued with her speech.

"look, i'm not dumb, donghyuck. i know you. also did you really think i didn't see you guys' insta posts? i know you're faking this entire thing. don't know why, and frankly, i don't need to know, but i know you like her. so do something about it."

her words hit him like truck. until now, he didn't have the balls to do something about it, but he knew he had to take action before she was actually off the market again.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 18 ⏰

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