011. what i like about you

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hearing the doorbell ring, minji was still standing inside her slightly messy room, wearing basketball shorts with an old oversized t-shirt that she should've thrown in the washing machine days ago. she freaked out, knowing donghyuck was already standing in front of her door, waiting for her to open the door, but she couldn't let him see her like this.

not because she needed to impress him or wanted to look good for him, but because she couldn't stand the thought of her nemesis thinking of her as a slob.

well, maybe she did want to look a little presentable for him. after all, they were going to be in a fake-relationship very soon, so him being a little attracted to her would actually help convincing others that their whole scam was real.

nevertheless, the girl still went downstairs, because she couldn't just let the boy wait for her to answer the door, when it was her who invited him over. but by the time she got downstairs, her mom had already opened the door, greeting the boy she'd know for all his life.


minji quickly ran over to try and stop her mother from saying anything more than a simple greeting, but she came to realize that it was already too late.

"donghyuck, how have you been? i haven't seen you in a long time." her mother asked donghyuck, while the girl was trying to interrupt their conversation.

"i'm good, mrs. kang. nice to see you again."

"good to see you too, donghyuck. are you here for jimin?" her mother asked, pointing her index finger upstairs, where her son was currently situated. "oh, and just call me eomeoni." she smiled.

he should've just said yes to avoid any complications, since he wasn't on bad terms with jimin, unlike his younger sister. but of course, before he could answer her question, minji came up with yet another lie to tell to her mother.

"i, uh, well—" he began to speak but was interrupted by his soon-to-be fake girlfriend.

"mom, he's here for me. we're gonna watch a movie."

minji's mother ecstatically clapped her hands together, thinking her daughter and her friend's son have finally made amends after all these years of fighting with each other. however, her hopes were crushed as donghyuck added to the girl's previous answer.

"for school." he quickly made up and gave minji a look that told her she was crazy for even thinking of an answer like this. "we were paired up for a project, so we're going to do that now."

"yeah, were going upstairs. bye mom." minji's eyes widened at her mother, as a hint that she had to leave the two alone before she asked any more questions to donghyuck.

"i didn't know you were still living with your family." donghyuck questioned as they were on their way to her bedroom.

shaking her head, she answered his question. "i'm not. but mom's apartment is being renovated this week, so she decided to come to mine."

"ah, i see. but why is jimin here as well? he doesn't live with you or her right?" he asked about her older brother.

by now, the two had entered her bedroom and minji quickly closed the door, before anyone in the house would eavesdrop on their conversations. although the girl considered herself to be pretty close with her family, she still managed to maintain this lying habit of hers.

immediately after she closed the door, donghyuck already made himself feel at home by plopping down onto her bed, his head now facing the ceiling.

"he's just bored, so he decided to come ruin my week by taking up all the space in the house. it sucks" the dark haired girl explained as she looked at the boy, who was now lying down comfortably.

𝐥𝐢𝐞 𝐥𝐢𝐞 𝐥𝐢𝐞, lee haechanWhere stories live. Discover now