015. change of clothes

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to minji's surprise, donghyuck had arrived at her apartment rather quickly. opening the door after hearing her doorbell ring, she looked at the boy who was standing in the door opening with a bag filled with supplies in his hand.

outside, it was pouring rain, and since donghyuck lived only a walking distance away, he was drenched. just a few minutes ago, it was completely dry, but now it looked like he'd just stepped out of the shower as his hair and his clothes were soaked.

looking at him, she felt bad that he had to go through all that trouble just to get here. she was surprised to see that he had cared enough to actually show up, let alone the fact that he brought a ton of snacks as well as a blanket and a flashlight.

without even saying hi or hello, the boy shut the door and entered the living room with a confused look on his face. while pointing at the lamp hanging from the ceiling, which seemed far from broken, donghyuck turned his head towards minji. "you fixed the lamp?"

instead of an actual yes or no answer, he received an innocent look, followed by chuckle that gave away the truth. dramatically gasping in response, the boy spoke again. "you're such a little shit, the lamp was never broken was it?" he squinted his eyes and covered his heart in betrayal.

donghyuck placed his bag on the ground and waited for the girl to seriously answer his question this time. since he already figured out that she made up the story about the broken light, he wanted to know why she needed him to come over enough to make up an excuse.

sighing, she finally answered his question. "i'm sorry, but i was so bored and i couldn't sleep. i just wanted company, but my friends couldn't come over so this was the only way to convince you to come."

expecting a serious amount of scolding, minji impatiently tapped her foot and waited for him to reply to her. she wasn't afraid that he'd get mad, but it would sure be a real mood killer if he did, so she was a little nervous for his reaction.

"so you're telling me you're voluntarily asking me to come over to your house in the middle of the night?" donghyuck frowned, not buying her story.

minji didn't respond to him. instead she just nodded, as that was really all there was to tell him.

"you didn't invite me to sleep with you or anything?" he questioned, earning an inaudible chuckle from the girl.

forming a repulsed look on her face, minji shook her head. "never in a million years." she jokes and fake-gagged at him.

"you are so annoying." he replied while crossing his arms, but soon after, a grin had made it's way onto his lips. "anyways, you're lucky i was bored as well or i would've come here for nothing."

her face appeared to be puzzled since he seemed to be amused by her lie. "you're not mad?"

"if anything i'm flattered that you wanted me to come over. making me believe you have already broken the first rule." a childish smirk appeared on his face, which was followed by a playful punch on his arm.

minji was relieved that he wasn't mad, and for once was actually glad that he replied with one of his stupid remarks. "shut up." she laughed and looked at him while he smiled back at her.

"but please, do you have any spare clothes because i am literally soaking wet and it's getting colder every second." he asked, shivering as if it was freezing.

"oh, right." she slapped her hand on her mouth after she complete forget the fact that he was probably freezing in those wet clothes he was still wearing. "i'll get you some, one moment."

full-speed, minji sprinted to her bedroom to grab some dry and clean clothes for donghyuck. since he wasn't that much taller or bigger than her, and she owned a lot of oversized clothes, it wasn't difficult to find an outfit that would fit him.

coming back with a pair of socks, a t-shirt, an oversized hoodie and a pair of sweatpants that were too big for her, minji spotted donghyuck taking off his shoes and hanging his coat over the knob on the front door.

"here," she held up the pile of folded clothes, "you can change in the bathroom."

since he'd already visited the apartment before, he knew where the bathroom was, therefore he took the clothes and went to change. meanwhile, minji sat down in her sofa as she waited for him to change into the dry clothes she'd given him.

suddenly, the bathroom door opened, causing minji to turn her head in that direction. she gasped when she saw a shirtless donghyuck stand in the door opening with his saturated sweatshirt in his hands.

"where can i put the wet clothes?" he asked the girl, who's eyes had widened at the sight of his bare body. "oh, and do you have a towel so i can dry off?"

quickly, she stood up from the sofa and made her way over to the bathroom, without even glancing at him or muttering a single word. after having entered the bathroom, she opened the drawer opposite of the mirror and took out a large towel.

seeing the fact that he was shivering, she didn't hand him the towel, but instead threw it around his shoulders to keep him warm. adjusting the towel to fully cover his shoulders, she felt his well-trained muscles through the soft piece of fabric.

donghyuck let out a small laugh as he noticed what the girl was unintentionally doing. "wanna feel my abs while you're at it?" he teased and grabbed her hand that was placed on his right shoulder.

turning around to face her, he took her hand and trailed it down his toned abs. the sudden action caused minji to gasp and immediately pull her hand away.

"what the hell, hyuck." she raised her voice and scoffed while squinting her eyes at the boy who was now scanning the room with his eyes.

changing the subject, he directed his eyes to the pile of clothes lying in the corner. "you own a lot of men's clothes." he stated with no further explanation, totally ignoring his antics to get the girl flustered.

"they're comfortable." she replied while rolling her eyes. "and there's no such thing as men's closets."

she used the witty remark as a way to distract her from what had just happened. of course the attempt failed as she was unable to divert her attention to anything other than his bare upper body. however, her hypnotized state of mind was disrupted as she felt her chin being lifted by a soft finger.

"eyes up here, sweetheart." retracting his index-finger from her chin, he redirected it and poked her nose.

"just go and change, hyuck." earning a cheeky wink, she rolled her eyes and closed the bathroom door again before leaving.


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