039. back to the old ways

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not even a day had passed, and minji and donghyuck were already fighting.

after the two had spent the whole night physically fighting for the bedsheets, irritations had sparked between the two, and that was only the start of it.

"stop pulling the fucking sheets, you absolute fucking wankstain!" minji whined at donghyuck as she used all the strength in her feet to push him away.

he gasped in response and gave her a push back. "what the fuck does that even mean?" he asked with an insulted look on his face, offended by her sudden vulgar choice of words towards him.

"the fuck does that matter. stop pulling the sheets!" she urged, once again. however, donghyuck did not seem to respect her wishes as he started pulling even harder.

"you started, i just pulled them back to my side."he sheepishly said, implying he didn't do anything wrong.

now, if you looked at the facts here, both of them were mainly in the wrong. however, donghyuck was partly right, minji did start, but of course she was way too stubborn to admit that. so the two of them stood their ground and kept fighting like two little kids.

eventually, they fell asleep, due to the physical exhaustion of pushing each other and the tugging and yanking at the sheets the whole night. that would be the only peaceful moment, of course, since their fighting would continue the next day.

in the morning, while minji was minding her business and brushing her teeth in the bathroom, donghyuck came barging in without a warning. then he proceeded to urge her to leave the bathroom because he needed to take a dump.

"i'm almost done, can't you just wait a minute?" minji sneered at him, irritated by his childish behavior.

the dark haired guy swiftly shook his head and sulked as if he were a little boy that wasn't allowed to have a piece of candy.

however, minji knew there was no way in hell that she would just give up and let him win, so she stood her ground. all the sulking and pouting did not convince her to leave even in the slightest.

minji was at a loss for words. she couldn't believe he was acting like this again, since she thought they had moved far past that. at this moment, all she wanted to do was take back everything she told him the day before, since she couldn't seem to find any of it back in the person in front of her.

"wait. why the fuck are you using my toothbrush?" he suddenly changed he subject, and out of the blue, he yanked the toothbrush out of her mouth.

donghyuck gasped and the slightly pissed off look on his face shifted into a disgusted one. "oh my god, this is my toothbrush. you're disgusting." he exclaimed and pointed at it.

"uhm, no. i bought this at the airport." minji argued and shot him a bitchy look.

donghyuck scoffed and showed her a nasty face. "uhm, no you didn't." he argued back, but the girl was still certain that it was hers.

"uhm, yes i did." she told him again, because she was one hundred percent certain that it was her who bought it at the airport.

"my mom bought this for me at the airport." donghyuck snapped at her and pointed at himself.

"no, i took it to the checkout and your mom decided to pay it for me." the girl pointed at herself as she put extra emphasis on the words i and me.

donghyuck took a moment for himself to think back. he then seemed to remember when they were st the airport, and his district memory of him buying the toothbrush had now completely faded.

𝐥𝐢𝐞 𝐥𝐢𝐞 𝐥𝐢𝐞, lee haechanWhere stories live. Discover now