021. messing around

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minji knew her friends were a little crazy from the moment she befriended them. however, she would have never expected them to be just as unhinged as she was. to say she was relieved when they reacted positively to their deranged plan would have been an understatement.

"wait. so let me get this straight. you guys are actually in favor of this?" minji asked, a surprised look on her face after her friends just ranted about how much they loved the plan.

as a response, hendery nodded his head. "to be honest, dejun suggested the idea after your breakup."

after finding out that jeno had cheated on minji with her friend, dejun and hendery wasted no time to try and come up with a plan to get back at him. they were absolutely furious and couldn't let they get away with it.

"quick tip though. don't leave this thing laying around the house in case people who aren't as deranged as you find it." hendery laughed while holding up the contract, making minji mouth a quick oops to donghyuck.

now that minji's friends knew about their pact, donghyuck felt slightly less tense and definitely less worried than he was before. still, he felt a little out of place, since he was pretty much the odd one out there.

dejun had noticed his uncomfortable state and attempted to cut the tension by involving him more into the conversation.

"i gotta say, i didn't expect you to agree to the pact, haechan. what the hell did minji bribe you with?" he joked, earning a death stare from the latter.

the dark haired boy shrugged, a suppressed laugh escaping his mouth. "she was practically begging me." he answered, rather mockingly towards minji, who scoffed and denied the statement.

"definitely not true." she bickered, shaking her head from side to side. "you didn't even question it, you just said yes."

"i didn't!" donghyuck threw his hands up, denying her claim, even though she wasn't entirely incorrect.

on the other side of the couch, hendery and dejun were looking more than amused at the sudden pair. though they knew that minji used to hate donghyuck, they weren't surprised to see they eventually found their way into each other's lives.

to interrupt the bickering coming from the two, hendery spoke up, changing the subject. "well, doesn't really matter right now. let's all have a drink, loosen up." he suggested out of the blue, to which dejun and minji certainly didn't object.

donghyuck on the other hand saw it as a sign for him to leave. he knew minji would probably get sick of him if he stayed any longer, so he stood up and locked his eyes with the girl, who instantly looked up at him, wondering what he was doing.

"what are you doing, hyuck?" she asked him with a sudden gentle voice. even though she was just scolding him, she wasn't against the thought of him staying a little longer.

"i think i'm heading out." he gestured his head to the front door, suggesting he'd sit this one out.

he was about to take a step back and say goodbye to hendery and dejun before he would leave, until he felt a soft hand grab onto his wrist, followed by a gentle pull forward, causing him to move a step closer to minji.

"no, you shouldn't leave, you just got here."
with alluring eyes, she made an attempt to convince him to stay.

even though he lived barely a block away, and could be home in less than two minutes, it was still a little unfair to send him home. besides, minji didn't want him to leave just yet.

there was a slight tug at his lips as he formed a reassuring smile. "it's fine, you guys have fun." he said, even though he found it hard to say no to her all too tempting eyes.

𝐥𝐢𝐞 𝐥𝐢𝐞 𝐥𝐢𝐞, lee haechanWhere stories live. Discover now