The Girl

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The body guards are waiting for them outside the hotel, I don't want you guys to think they just appeared out of nowhere ;)

--Ginger Spice

We hopped back on the tour bus after packing our bags and leaving the stadium that the concert was in.

We're on our way to a hotel that's closer to where the Top of the Pops party will be hosted.

When we get there, all of our fan's screams can be heard from two miles away, and we hear thumping noises on the sides of our bus.

Although the girls and I are in the back part of the tour bus where our beds are, we can still hear everything.

One of our body guards must have grabbed his cone shaped speaker, because now he was warning our fans to step away from the bus.

Somehow the bus driver had managed to park because we all felt the bus jerk to a stop.

Five other body guards appeared in our room and crowded around us as they led us off of the stairs of the bus.

Simon and Annie were in front of us, and two body guards surrounded them as we all walked across the makeshift red carpet that the hotel had laid out for us once they heard that we would be staying there.

Fans' screaming was so loud, I was sure it had reached 120 decibels. I caught Mel C cringing at the loudness and giggling at her fans for being so loud, making goofy faces.

Arms and hands clawed at us from the barricades on the right and left of us, and we would occasionally get grabbed at the wrist by a desperate fan who wanted an autograph, picture, or kiss on the cheek.

"GERI! GERI!" One girl screeched for my attention. I paused by her side. She was a scrawny light brunette with pale skin and a ton of Spice Girls merch all over her.

"Hi," I waved.

"Oh my gosh! Hi," she wailed in nervous excitement. "It's such an honor to meet you girls, this is amazing! I know you can't stay long, but I just wanted to say that you are my favorite band and you mean so much to me and the fam, more than you will ever know.....," she rambled quickly, noticing how I was being pushed roughly-partly because of the crowd and partly because of the body guards,

"and you've helped us get through the hardest times and I just want you to know that you are the best band ever! I don't even want a picture or autograph, I just want you to know this...Thank you for supporting us without even tryi-"

"We have to go," the rough voice of a body guard ordered. I swallowed and nodded hesitantly, not wanting to leave this sweet little girl.

"Okay, well just tell the fam that our fans mean a lot to us too-"

"GO!" The body guard ordered defensively.

I had wanted to continue and tell her how our fam's love was what kept us happy on our bad days.

I wanted to tell her how reading our fan mail made us love life and hearing from our fans' twitter feeds reminded us why we should love ourselves, but that seemed like a bad idea with the body guards around me.

"Bye!" I yelled quickly.

"My name's Imogene, by the way!" She yelled over the crowd that was pushing her.

"Bye, Imogene, I love you, you are an awesome girl!" I shouted back, trying to turn my head around to see her one last time before we had to step into the revolving doors that would lead us inside of the hotel.

I thought I saw Imogene's face contort and blush as she began crying.

Two girls stood by her side comforting her and kissing her face, speaking to her softly as she nodded silently and smiled happily to them, as if her deed had been completed. As if she was satisfied with what she had just done.

But I don't know. After all, I only caught a glimpse of her before the body guard behind me turned serious and made me turn my head around and walk quickly inside.

I shook off the vibes that that girl had given me, having to move on and put my game face on. This is the world of show business, I have to compose myself.

"Hello, can we have our hotel key?" Annie asked the young woman at the front desk.

She told the woman all of our information and after the woman typed it into her computer, she handed us three keys, one for Annie's room, one for Simon's room, and one for our room.

The body guards walked us to our rooms and then walked away.

A few minutes later, we heard the body guards using their cone speakers to usher our fans away from the building and using threats of arrest to get them away from the hotel, deeming it off limits for the rest of the week.

It took an official ten minutes for all of the girls to clear out. Then. Silence.

"Silence. Complete and utter silence," Mel C moaned in relief, flopping on the bed on her back side.

There were two beds and 1 futon. Two of us would sleep on the beds and one on the futon.

A large window was on the far right of the room-about as tall as a human so that we could see the whole length of the city-and the curtains were drawn over it.

The air conditioning/heating box was next to the window, the futon was in the corner next to the window, the tv was across from the beds, and the bathroom was on the far left of the room, in a corner so that when you opened the door to the room, the first thing you would see was the bathroom in the corner.

Think typical hotel room.

Mel C was lying on the bed closest to the window. Emma set her stuff down next to the futon and sat down while Mel B closed the bathroom door and got ready for bed.

Vicky flopped onto the bed on the far left and grab the tv remote on the bedside table in between the beds and turned on the tv while I sat down next to her, staring blankly at the screen.

Mel C had fallen asleep while Vicky was watching some fashion show. She turned her head around to face me.

"Geri...? Hello....?" She looked in my eyes.

"Oh, hey," I shivered, snapping out of my trance. I was still thinking about that girl who went to all extremes to tell me how much our fans appreciated us. How she cried in joy.

It really changed my perspective.

"Are you okay, girl?" she asked.

"Oh, uh, yeah...," I replied back slowly. "I was just thinking about something one of my fans did. It really made me think."

"Oh. Ugh, Geri! Why do you always have to be so deep sometimes!" Vicky joked, shoving my shoulder.

I giggled, watching tv with her.

I am Imogene, by the way. I don't mean Imogene is my name (it's far from it)-I mean, I would be Imogene if I saw my favorite band/celeb/role model and got to talk to them. I would want them to know how much their fans appreciate them an how much they have helped us throughout our struggles before I even took a selfie or got an autograph from them....idk, I feel like that is most important.

I mean, we're all human, and we all need to know that we are loved by others, and even the people who aren't our family members or the people whom you've never even met have our backs, sometimes better than your friends or family (if you're in a fandom, you understand) ;)

Comment if you are like Imogene and comment about what fandom you are in cuz I might be in it too
and have an awesome day my lovelies! XD

Btw, if you want something to happen, fight for it and do whatever it takes for your voice to be heard, and even when you feel like you're on your last knee, KEEP FIGHTING!! It's the only way, trust me ;) ilyasm

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