Louis-induced Hangover

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--Scary Spice

When I woke up, my wet clothes had finally dried, and there was a damp spot where I had been sleeping.

Emma had been shaking me and telling me to get ready while the others bustled around.

I moaned and rolled over on my bed, grabbing my pillow and wrapping it over my head.

"Geri!! She's not waking up!" Emma yelled.

"What's wrong? C'mon, get up!" I hear Geri call.

"I can't go. Hangover," I croaked in pain.

"We have a photo shoot today!" She said. "What am I supposed to do?"

I ran to the bathroom and threw up.

Vick was straightening her hair in there and she gasped in surprise, hair straightener in her hand.

"I'll call in and say you're sick," Geri said.

All the girls were waiting for Geri to get in the car, but she wanted to take care of me.

"Ok, there's coffee on the stove, a bucket by your side, and here's some Ibuprofen and a water bottle. If you get hungry-"

"Geri, it's okay. I don't want you to have to babysit me. Go ahead and go to the photo shoot," I said.

"Okay. Bye, hon. Hope you feel better," she said, kissing my forehead before grabbing her stuff and closing the door behind her.

A number I didn't recognize called me. I winced at the noise from my phone ringing.

"H-hello?" I said quietly so as not to make sure not to aggravate my head ache.

"Hey, Melanie. It's Liam. Are you okay?"

"Not really," I said sassily. I know Liam was being really nice, but I couldn't help being sassy with the pain I was having.

"Geri said that you had an awful hangover and couldn't go to a photo shoot today."


"Well this is all Louis's fault. I can't believe he got you drunk when you had work the next day. I sent him over here to help you."

"Thanks, Liam," I smiled.

"Sure. He'll be here in 10 minutes."

I hung up and waited on Louis. I threw up some more and more until I was out of breath and I lie back against the headboard before puking again.

I heard a knock at the door and opened it to see none other than Louis smiling stupidly.

"Somebody order a baby sitter?" Louis said smoothly as he leaned against the door frame coolly.

"You suck," I breathed weakly.

"Yeah." He chuckled like a selfish rich boy again.

"Come in, dipwad."

He followed me into the room, but I puked into the bucket again before he could sit down on the bed.

I grabbed a Kleenex and wiped my mouth.

"You," I said weakly, "did this to me." I pointed it at him.

"No. You decided to drink 3 beers. I only predicted that you would. But since you're sick, I'll let you blame me for a lot of stuff to make you feel better."

I puked again and again and again while Louis rubbed my back. I lay against my pillow whilst he sang and talked to me for about an hour, and I didn't throw up anymore, so I went to clean out the bucket and brush my teeth.

Then I grabbed my toiletries.

"I'm gonna take a shower," I told him.

I felt much better after an ice cold shower and a thorough tooth brushing.

I sat down next to Louis on Geri and Vicky's bed (don't tell them I said that), and we watched TV for the rest of the day.

Somehow I had fallen asleep in his arms. When I woke up, I was really hungry.

"Got ya some food," Louis said, handing me a sub sandwich.

"What did you do while I was sleeping?"

"Walked around town, bought food."

"Y'know, you're not such a bad boyfriend," I said. "It seems like everything you try to do is a good thing, but they end up turning into bad things."

"Thanks," he said sarcastically.

--Sporty Spice

"We're home!" Emma shouted.

We walked into our hotel room, and Louis was gone. Melanie was there, watching TV.

"We saved some news for you!" I said. "And trust me, it was hard to not spoil it," I said, slapping down a magazine on the bedside table.

I'm gonna try and dedicate this next chapter to my friend whose birthday party is tomorrow (her bday is actually next month tho)

And yeah...

P.S. My sis has this really cute 1D crop top ;)! She won't even let me have it even though:

1) I'm the better sister (I'm nicer and better all around, I swear)

2) I like 1D more than her probably...

3) I like 1D because they saved me (to me they promote self-love and boys who actually care about girls in a relationship) & I deserve the shirt because they saved me.

Anywho, enjoy your day and make good friends!!

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