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--Ginger Spice

Liam pushed a button on his car's radio system and turned the knob for the volume and music started playing.

It was this soft acoustic stuff that serenaded me the whole car ride.

"This is really good stuff," I said to him eventually.

"I agree," he smiled.

"So, where are we going?"

"Coffee place."


I always liked coffee places. They were like these secret places for philosophical thinking, like reincarnations of salons or meeting places for schools of thought.

People wrote poetry and music there, and ideas flowed with ease through the open air.

Also I'm a sucker for coffee beans. XP

We got there, and we sat down at a table inside. The waitress handed us menus (and took pictures with us) and then walked away as she waited for us to order.

"Anything seem appetizing to you?" Liam asked concerningly.

"Umm...yeah. Everything looks pretty good on the menu," I smiled.

When the waitress came back, I ordered a sandwich and a dark coffee, and Liam ordered salad and a coffee.

I inhaled the smell of the coffee brewing in the air and smiled.

"I love coffee shops," I said, "they always help me write clearer and clarify my thoughts."

"See, that's what I like about you," Liam spoke up, "You're not like other girls. I know it sounds cliché, but I really mean it. You're special. You love thinking about just-life. And all of these human principles, and I've never met a girl who cares enough to talk about it with me."

"Yeah. They call me the 'hipster' of the group," I rolled my eyes, using finger quotations.

"They call me the 'Daddy' of the group because I'm super serious about our music."

"We'd make a mad mixtape together, huh?"

His eyes brightened at my joke and he chuckled, leaning over to kiss me. I blushed as we broke apart.

Our food came, and we ate.

We talked about our lives, how we came to be and grew up, how our bands came to be.

We talked about different things, different factors in life. People in general, fans, the mechanics of society, everything.

And every conversation just clicked because we were so into it, unlike other people. It was deep. It had meaning. It was unlike any other conversation I've had with anyone else.

We stood up to leave, drinking our coffees as we strolled by the shops outside.

"I had a great time," Liam said.

"I'm sad that we're going to have to end this for the day," I chuckled. He pulled me close to his side and squeezed me.

"Me too. We made so much progress," he smiled.

We reached his car and he drove me back to the hotel. I'm pretty sure I was the first one back from my date. I kissed Liam (this time a bit longer ;)) before walking up the stairs to my room.

--Baby Spice

When Harry's car appeared at the front of the hotel, I was giddy with excitement.

I walked over to it, and Harry jumped out of the driver seat, picked me up, and spun me around.I squealed like a pig before he set me down and said,

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