Rainbow Chokers and Funky Beats

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Above is the outfit that Emma aka Baby Spice bought. I think that lokai bracelets would make really pretty chokers (or at least clear beads would), so just imagine that the bracelet is a choker in the story. But seriously, someone plz talk to the company about that. Or make just plain clear balls (about lokai sized) and but them on a choker yourself and sell them!

--Scary Spice

Before we left, I remembered that I had forgotten to bring my lotion with me.

"Oh! I'll be back! I forgot my lotion!" I cried as I ran up the stairs to grab it. As I walked through the hall ways, I caught sight of Miley Cyrus looking straight at me.

"Oh, wow, hi! You're Miley Cyrus! It's a pleasure to meet you! I'm Melanie B, I'm a member of the Spice Girls."

"Hi," she smirked.

"So what brings you here?" I chirped.

"I have a concert and I'm going to the Top of the Pops party," she bragged. I was not getting good vibes from her. And she smelled kinda funny. Like she had been smoking pot and then doused herself in perfume to get rid of the stench.

"Oh, me and the girls are going there too!"

One of Miley's body guards walked our of the door to her room and stood beside her.

"Oh, hi! You're Mel C from the Spice girls, aren't you? It's so nice to meet you," he said.

"It's nice to meet ya too," I smiled, "And it's actually Mel B."

"Very well," he smiled.

"Ugh, can we go now? I have somewhere to be right now and I can't deal with this. I have time on my hands," she scoffed.

I was taken aback.

"Uhm, okay, well bye," I said blankly, trying to compose myself. Miley's body guard escorted her out of the building.

I raced inside of my room to grab my scented lotion and threw it in my bag before joining the girls and my managers downstairs again.

"You'll never guess who we just saw!" Geri exclaimed.

"Miley Cyrus."

"How did you know?"

"I just had a chat with her."

"Really? What'd she say?" Emma asked.

"She's not the nicest person. She was pretty rude. She bragged about going to the Top of the Pops party and then she didn't want to talk to me and made it obvious before storming out of the room."

"Uh-wow. What a douchebag," Victoria said.

"Yeah," I cried.

"Well we're not talking to her," Emma said. "Ready to go?" Emma asked, opening her arm up so I could link my elbow into hers.

"Yep," I cheered, linking my elbow with hers.

"There are three cars with chauffeurs in them waiting outside. One is for Geri and Mel C," Simon gestured, "and the other is for Mel B, Emma, and-Victoria, didn't you say Brian would meet you at the mall?"

She nodded.

"Okay, then then just get in the car with Emma and Mel B. The third car is for us. Let's go ladies, Annie and me have a long day ahead of us," he sighed.

Vicky, Emma, and I piled into the second car that was waiting outside and we zoomed off.

When we got to the mall, we went our separate ways, each of us having one body guard accompanying us. Emma and I would shop together while Vicky waited for Brian at the fountain in the center of the mall.

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