
101 4 1

--Sporty Spice

When I woke up, I yawned and stretched my arms out wide enough for the whole world to see.

Melanie had waken up and her head smacked into my arm as she sat up.

"Ow! Move your arm, ya crazy!"

I giggled.

I heard Geri yawn and turned around to watch her and her bed mates.

She stopped yawning as she sat up and looked around her.

"What are they doing in my bed?" She mouthed and me and Melanie from across the room.

We shrugged.

Annie pounded on the door.

"Today's the daaaay," she sang, "get ready, my loveliessss," she banged on the door one last time before leaving.

Emma and Vicky woke up with squinty eyes, sighing.

"What are you doing in my bed?" Geri asked Emma.

"What?" She replied sleepily. "Oh, I slept with Vick last night."

"Ummm, okay," Geri said, not really getting a clear explanation but just going with her response.

"Why are your eyes so puffy?" I asked her.

"Oh, uhm," she sniffled, "I got attacked."

"You what?!" Melanie cried in anger.

"I-I was buying tampons, and it was the middle of the night, and...." Emma told us the whole shabang about her trying to buy tampons in the middle of the night.

Annie burst into the room, catching us sitting on our beds in our pajamas.

"You girls still haven't gotten ready?!"

We chuckled nervously.

"C'mon, chop-chop! We've got a Top of the Pops party to attend!" She slammed the door behind her.

"Oh, I totally forgot it was today," Emma exclaimed.

"Of course you did, you were so caught up in that mess." Melanie gestured.

We got ready, and walked down the hallway with our managers.

After eating breakfast, we hopped in the car.

Annie and Simon were following us in the car behind us.

We had a lot to do today, apparently.

We had to go to our fashion designers and get our clothes fitted and ready for the Top of the Pops party, which was tonight, then we had to get our workouts done so that we still looked firm and fit for the party, then we had voice lessons, etiquette lessons, hair and makeup for the party, and then, finally, we went to the party.

We arrived at a glass building in the ritzy area of the city. Out chauffeur opened the car door for us, and we followed Simon and Annie inside.

We stood in front of a door that read "Tania Zhang" and waited for it to open after Simon knocked.

"Hello, hello, welcome, my lovelies! I'm Tania, and you must be the Spice Girls," a woman chirped.

The woman looked of Asian descent and had pale skin and almond shaped eyes.

She seemed to be around her early fifties, but no one could tell what her age was exactly with her makeup and skinny figure.

She had silky smooth glossy black shoulder length hair and wore a long plaid petticoat and black close toed high heels that looked more expensive than my life.

"Come in," she gestured, moving away from the door.

She had one of those voices like a typical bourgeoisie fashion designer. The kind that have syrupy voices and say "darling" all the time.

"So, your managers sent me photos of you all and your measurements, and I picked some outfits that I believed corresponded with you all the best."

The inside of the room was equivalent to that of a dressing room, what with the light bulb studded mirrors and vanities, lounge chairs, and mini fridge.

She dragged a clothing rack towards us.

"These are what I picked," she gestured at the rack like one of those models on "Wheel of Fortune".

"Geri. This is your dress." She handed a dark blue sequined mermaid dress with black gloves that went up to her elbow to Geri.

"Go try it on," she nodded towards a purple changing screen.

"Next is Victoria." She gave Vick a white mermaid dress with a million silver glittering beads all over it.

Then she handed Emma a mint green mermaid dress, Melanie a golden sequined mermaid dress, and me a simple black mermaid dress.

We tried them on as we took turns standing behind the changing screen.

When we finished getting dressed, everything looked great, and we moved on to hair and makeup and how the artists should do that before the party.

After painfully getting through our workout, voice lessons, and etiquette lessons, we got dolled up and finally got to go to the Top of the Pops party.

Lol I bet you guys thought they were finally gonna go to the party in this ya!!

But obviously they're going to the party in the next chapter, which I'm super excited about!!

So stay tuned if you like 1D and the Spice Girls, cuz it's about to go down! This nxt chapter is probably goin to be my fave out of all of 'em....;)

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