Coming to Middle Earth

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Do you know those dreams that feel so real? I like to think I'm currently in one, a dream, but that's not the case.

I fell asleep watching one of my favorite movies, The Hobbit, which I tend to do every night, before you try to tell me how to live my life, don't, just fair warning. The hobbit brings me more comfort than I believe any human could, besides the actors in the movie.

Back to what I was saying. I fell asleep watching The Hobbit, the part at the beginning where the dwarves are throwing Bilbo's dishes around causing the little hobbit distress, but the next thing I remember is hearing a familiar voice and then hearing a crash all around me, before feeling hard ground against my back, compared to the soft comfort of my bed, as well as a heavy feeling on my chest, I look down seeing my backpack.

"What the hell..." I groan sitting up, eyes quickly searching my surroundings, "The shire... there's no way I'm here, this is a fucking dream, or I shifted, but shifting has never given me pain like that before" I mutter looking around, quickly pulling the sleeves of my sweater down as I hear that familiar voice again.

"My dear Tayler, I'm glad you were able to make it, I was unsure if my magic would reach you." I try to center myself, hoping that I'm only dreaming, or shifting like I normally do, but when I look down and see the clothes I fell asleep in, I know that's not the case.

I turn quickly, looking up at the wizard in front of me, "Gandalf... What am I doing here? How did I get here? I have got to be dreaming... this can't be real" The older wizard chuckles softly as he listens to me talk, "no, my dear Tay, I brought you here, because you're needed for this quest, you're needed here, and more importantly, you're wanted here. Now, let's head inside so you can meet the others of Thorin Oakenshield's company."

He moves to help stand me up before he starts to usher me inside, and I try to fight it, but all he does is push me through the door, "I'm hardly dressed to meet anyone, I-" My voice faltered as we got inside the hobbit hole, seeing it in person was better than seeing it on a screen.

"Gandalf, you finally came back inside..." the voice starts to trail off once they round the corner of the wall, I look up seeing Bilbo first, "that's a lady... a rather small lady, but she's no hobbit, her feet aren't like mine, she's no dwarf, has no beard..., definitely not an Elf, no pointy ears and she's rather short," Gandalf interrupted the poor Hobbit, "she's a man, dear Bilbo, let's get into the kitchen with everyone else that way I can explain why she's here."

I follow behind Gandalf, trying to stay hidden, my arms being wrapped around my waist, and my shirt being pulled down to cover a certain spot on my legs.

"Thorin and Company, I'd like to introduce you to... where'd you go, my dear?" Gandalf looks around before chuckling and pulling me from behind him, smiling softly. "I'd like to introduce you to another member of the company. This is Tayler, though she prefers Tay."

I feel all the eyes on me but I continue looking down at the floor, "She's not from middle earth, from rather another reality at that. She needs to be here for certain parts of the Durin story to stay true." I finally find the courage to look up, my eyes finding a certain pair of blue eyes already staring at me, my eyes go wide and I quickly look back down, my heart pounding against my chest.

'Fuck, why did he have to be here already' I look back up, avoiding the king's eyes as I smile, waving softly.

"Gandalf, are you sure she's needed?"

I turn and see Dwalin questioning the wizard, and I too, look up at the wizard raising a brow, "I didn't want to say this, but where she's from, we're in a book, and a moving picture, she knows everything that's going to happen, from before to the future, she's needed Dwalin," the intimidating dwarf looked my way again and I looked around meeting more brown eyes.

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