Fragile Hearts

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We reached Bard's house, much to the dwarves' complaints about having to swim in the water and appear in Bard's home through his toilet, but we were protected from the people of Lake Town, or more so, their 'king.' I could feel Thorin's diamond-like eyes on me the whole trip, almost as if he was scared I would vanish again, at least that's what I kept telling myself he was thinking, that, or my mind went dark and he was probably hoping I would disappear again.

"I don't think I'll be able to eat fish the rest of my life," I hear Ori say as we get dried off and comfortable, I let out a small laugh, shaking my head as I pat his back gently, "I think you'll be able to, Ori, maybe in a few weeks time, but you will," I spoke softly before feeling a hand on my shoulder, I turn seeing Bards youngest daughter behind me holding up a pair of clothes, "oh, thank you, sweet girl," I give her a small smile, "they belonged to my mother, da thinks they should fit you." I take the clothes gently, "thank you, Tilda," I nod softly, before finding somewhere to change privately. I stand in front of a mirror, glancing at my form, my pale eyes, and the scars lining my arms as I pull the shirt off my body, "could one look any more broken and torn down?" the question formed on my lips, before I pull the new clothes on, running my fingers through my hair, braiding pieces so they're out of my face.

Just as I was walking back I hear voices around the corner, "No, we are not together!" 'Thorin' I thought to myself as I press myself against the wall, my head telling me that I shouldn't be listening, but my interest was peaked now, and my heart really wanted to know, "at least... not yet." "What do you mean not yet? It seems to me that you two are together," 'Bard' I thought, "I must have read you both wrong, I do apologize about that," 'He definitely didn't, at least from my side..'

"Kili Durin, if I have to strap you down to the table so you'll rest, we will have problems. Lay down and stop moving. I need to check the wound," I speak softly, trying my hardest to forget the conversation I had listened to, moving to tend to Kili as well as possible, trying to get him comfortable while randomly glancing back to Thorin and Bard, my mind going back to his words. "When did you get back?" Kili speaks up from above me as I tend to his knee, "Tay?" I glance up at him quickly, "hmm?" "I asked when you got back..." His voice hinting at joking behind it, and I look back down at his knee. "Tay?" I shake my head gently before sitting by him, "I got back shortly after Legolas and Tauriel took you guys in... Bilbo found me shortly after. Thankfully all the spiders were gone, and I didn't have to deal with them... I wouldn't have made it back if they were alive."

"I like to think you would have, those spiders ain't got nothing compared to ya, you're a warrior, and ya know that, Lass," I look up at Dwalin as he speaks. "Ya know how to hold yourself, and we've each seen it for ourselves; that and the fact ya smacked Thorin across the face shows you're a warrior."

"Nice try, Dwalin... But we all know the only reason I smacked Thorin was due to the adrenaline from fighting the Trolls, and he was quite pissing me off at that moment..." I let out a small laugh until Dwalin shook his head and give me a small smile, "nice try, little bird, but we know you're a warrior..." he said, "no one is that brave to smack Thorin, not even myself Lass.. therefore, ya are brave," "aye lass!" I turn to look at Bofur, before rolling my eyes, "You're all quite stupid, I have yet to fight anything, you all took care of the trolls, I just let the ponies free. I'm not a warrior..." I look up at Fili who just shakes his head, a soft smile playing on his face as he nods to look behind me. I turn and see Thorin. His head moved, gesturing towards a different room; after making checking that Kili was okay, I stand and move towards the room, taking a deep breath before walking into where Thorin was.

"Thorin," I started as I moved further into the room, he moves and closes the door before turning to face me, holding his hand up causing me to stop speaking.

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