Dances under the stars

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"Lass, that is a mighty fine dress on you, the color suits you perfectly!" Gloin compliments as I nod softly to him as a thank you, "Aye lass! Why don't you give us a spin so we can see it in full?" Bofur's voice can be heard, I turn and look at him, shaking my head softly.

"I'm going to have to decline that dear Bofur," I spoke with a soft voice, "I don't spin, nor do I dance, so don't ask about that either."

"Aw come on lass! What if I sang a song? We just want one spin," he countered, I gave the hat wearing dwarf a small, almost unnoticeable nod to which he noticed and quickly climbed up onto the table, and starts to sing.

"There's an Inn, there's an inn there's a merry old inn

beneath the old grey hill and there they brew a beer so brow

the man on the moon himself came down one night to drink his fill

Ooh, the ostler has a tipsy cat

that plays a five-stringed fiddle

and up and down he saws him bow

Now squeaky high

now purring low

now sawing in the middle"

I start spinning around, dancing along with his singing, and the other dwarves clapping, letting out my own laughs just as Fili jumps up and pulls me to dance along with him, I let out another laugh before I start singing along with him, along with the others

"So, the cat on his fiddle played hey-diddle-diddle

A jig that would wake the dead

He squeaked and sawed and he quicked the tune

While the landlord shook by the Man in the Moon

'It's after three!' he said"

Everyone all laughed throwing food at Bofur and cheering him on, I pull away from Fili with a smile, bowing gently before standing up straight, "aye, I agree with Gloin, that color does suit you perfectly," Fili grins, I shake my head rolling my eyes softly, "you dwarves need your eyes checked, I'm going to see if my clothes are cleaned... I need out of this dress."

I move away from the dining hall and move towards the gardens, not quite heading to change because I knew my clothes wouldn't be finished yet, I just needed an escape and what better way than the gardens of Rivendell.

"You like to be alone, don't you?" A voice speaks up from behind me, causing me to jump slightly, turning around to see Thorin, I turn back around shaking my head gently, "It's not the I like to be alone, I just love the stars and you can see them better from the garden," I quip back looking back up to the stars above me.  I feel his presence next to me as he sits down next to me. "You don't have to lie to me," his voice hinted that he had a smile on his face and I rolled my eyes lightly.

"My dear king Thorin, thinking I would lie to you?" My voice questions as I face him, shaking my head gently, "the stars... they're the one thing besides mountains that I loved back in my world, they brought me hope," I whisper, "helped me believe that despite my battles, I'm still burning bright as ever."

I could see his smile from the moon that lit above us, and I couldn't help but grow my own before turning back and facing the sky, I let out a content sigh before I move to lay in the grass, giggling softly, "oh this is the softest grass I've felt in ages," I wasn't expecting the head-strong king to fall beside me on the grass, "I have to agree with you, this grass is very soft." His voice was rough, yet I could sense a soft side that only came out when it was just us.

"Tay.." he started softly as he looked at the sky, I turned my head to the side so I could see him better as he spoke, just to see that he was already looking at me, "you're the most beautiful thing I have ever seen," that cause my heart to quicken, "especially in those colors, mahal I don't..." his voice trails off and he looks away from me.

I jump slightly when I hear the others start to sing and dance again, I chew at my cheek, trying to think about what he had said until I see him stand up, holding his hand out to me.

"Dance with me." I could tell that it wasn't really a question, so gingerly I take the dwarfs hand, feeling a small spark of something causing my eyes to quickly find his, before he pulls me up, i let out a small gasp as he pulls me into him, before moving his other hand to my hip, after he rested mine on his shoulder.

I feel his feet start to glide us slowly into a sway, causing my heart to flutter and a feeling in my stomach erupt.

'Butterflies? Is the king of the Blue Mountains giving me butterflies?!'

As we sway along with the music, nothing else matters in that moment, the music started to fade, and all I felt was thorin near me, the smell of Pine, rain and mud surrounding him, as if he hadn't taken a bath, but part of me was comforted by it, the smell of him was comforting.

"I want you to know... Lady Tay, I'll always be here for you. Whatever you need, whenever you need it. Just don't be scared to come to me," his voice whispered next to my ear as he bent down slightly, his hot breathe scattered against my neck as he spoke.

With those words, his touch disappeared as he did as well, he bowed slightly before he walked into the night, my eyes following him as he did, the smile on my face not fading as it does.

"Careful," a voice whispered slightly.

Quickly turning to the voice I spot Dwalin and Balin standing at the edge of the garden, "what do you mean?"

"Your smile, you look like you're about to fall in love," Balin smiled as he walked away causing my eyes to quickly look back to see if I could spot Thorin.

I couldn't possibly be falling for the king this hard? At first I thought it was maybe my crush on him from my reality, but was is causing me to feel that way here, or was something else happening to me?

I shake my head softly, before moving towards the room the elven maiden had shown me to before taking me to the feast.

"get a grip Tay, he's a king for Mahal's sake!" I growl kicking a support beam rather roughly causing my ankle to feel the pain behind it, "oh you idiot... you hopeless romantic idiot.. the king doesn't love you, you're the only woman on the quest, it's just a matter of who's where during when." Talking to myself as I work my way to my room, not really listening to what's going on around me as the rest of the dwarves are making fires out of the elven chairs, smoking, and drinking fresh Elven ale.

"Bombur catch!" Bofur calls to his brother and I hear a big crash and I quickly run to my room, wishing to not be apart of that when the elves find them.

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