Lake Town or Bust?

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Thorin and I walk back out to the others, watching everyone as Thorin walks to a window and I go towards Kili to check on him.

"A dwarvish windlance..." I hear a hushed whisper come from Thorin, I look up seeing Bilbo step near him, whispering to him, I shake my head and go back to looking at the wound Kili had.

"The last time we saw such a weapon... Smaug had attacked, a city on fire," Balin spoke gently, I notice, through his pain, Kili listens in, trying to focus his eyes on Balin and Bilbo. "The day that Smaug destroyed Dale, Girion, the Lord of the City, rallied his bowmen to fire upon the dragon."

"But a dragons hide is tough, tougher than the strongest armor" I spoke, "No one arrow can pierce the hide of a dragon, besides the black arrow fired from the windlance..." I whispered softly, "very few were made... Girion was running low-"

"Had the aim of men been true that day, much would have been different," Thorin interrupted. I send a look his way, before biting my cheek and staying quiet. Bard was listening, he walks towards Thorin, Bilbo and Balin and I can feel the tension begin, I roll my eyes already knowing what's to come.

"You speak as if you were there, as if you lived through it," Bard spoke up, I wanted to speak, to let him know who he was talking to exactly, but I stayed quiet. "All dwarves know the tale," Thorin whispered, "Everyone knows the tale," I piped up, "though, some don't fully believe that Girion hit the dragon, loosened a scale. Tale's get spun, word gets wrapped so far that its hard to decipher what is real and what is fake, Dwarves can believe one thing, while Man can believe another, every tale told by the other will never be believed by the other, until it can be proven, or there is some truth behind it."

"Da can we keep her?" Sigrid spoke, "She'll have good word against the lord of lake town..."

"No! She's going to the lonely mountain with us," Thorin barked, moving to stand behind me as I wiped Kili's brow. Dwalin smirks while Balin shakes his head, "The lady Tay, as Thorin was trying to say, is she needs to stay with us. She knows the lore and has been very helpful during our journey," Balin tried.

"No, that's not close to what I was saying-" I jab my elbow back into him, "you took our money, where are the weapons?" He then asked Bard as he walked towards him. "Wait here..." Bard spoke before he disappeared.

"Where else does he plan for us to go?" I spoke softly, rolling my eyes as I look down at Kili, frowning slightly, he was trying to hide his pain and I could see it, but he was acting for his uncle.

"Tomorrow begins the last days of autumn," Thorin spoke after Bard was gone for a bit, "Durins day falls on the morn after next, we must reach the mountain before then." Balin confirmed what we all knew.

"And if we do not?" Kili's soft voice spoke up around everyone as we gather in a circle, well all except me, I was standing near the window looking at the mountain that stood far away, but close enough to reach soon. "If we fail to find the hidden door before that time?" "Then this quest has been for nothing," Fili states, I wanted to speak up, but footsteps started near us, so I refused to speak.

Bard places the weapons on the table and I hear grunts and murmurs of disappointment, "what is this?" A growl escape pasts Thorin's lips. "A pike hook, made from an old harpoon," Bard comments back, "and this?" "A crowbill, we call it, fashioned from a smithys hammer. Its heavy in hand, I grant, but, in defense of your life, these will serve you better than none." Bard continued after others had questions about the 'weapons' he brought forth.

"We paid you for weapons. Iron-forged swords and axes!" Gloin's deep voice spoke up, a growl behind it, "it's a joke!" Bofur spoke up, soon the other dwarves were murmuring under their own breaths about how these 'weapons' aren't even weapons at all.

"You won't find better outside the city armory," Bard explained, I couldn't help the groan that fell past my lips as he spoke, "all iron-forged weapons are held there under lock and key," he added. 'You're feeding the fire Bard' I thought to myself, I roll my eyes and ignore the conversation after this, moving for Bard's kids.

"Why must you really stay with them?" Tilda's little voice spoke "up, I glance at her as I sit down, I think for a second, before giving her a smile, "they're all men, they don't cook much, they hardly bathe, they need a women to make sure they eat and stay clean, bandage their wounds," I spoke, "plus, I've grown fond of them," I added as I look between them all. "They're good dwarves, each one has something that makes them... them." "Would you tell us? What makes each Dwarf, them?"

I think for a moment, glancing between each Dwarf, thinking about each one, "Bofur, amazing singer, never takes that hat off, Bifur, haven't quite figured him out due to the language barrier," I smile softly, "Bombur, big sweet heart, as much as he loves his food, he will always give it to someone else than keep it, Gloin, big man loves his family more than anything, his little boy Gimli and his wife are always in his pocket..." I whisper to the children, "Oin, is very mush his own person as well, though, any difficult situation, despite his hearing, he'll do his best to provide anything he can. Ori, the sweetheart will always stick up for everyone despite his age, Dori, is very protective of his little brother, anything happens to him, they'll be hell to pay, Nori, very stealthy stealer, pickpocket, but he always tries to steal from those who won't miss it, I know, not a good thing but in some way it is," I grin as I see Nori do just that, though he puts it right back. "Balin, smart, older, very much the dad of the group, Dwalin, that dwarf might look intimidating, but stick cookies in front of him and you'll win his heart, ask Bilbo," I laugh as Dwalin glares at me for a spilt second but gives a half smile. "Fili, just like Dori, is protective of his brother, but heaven forbid you steal any one of his knives and you'll be asking for it, he's like a big brother to everyone... Kili, little shit, though he's got the looks, that kid can get out of anything he wanted too... very sweet, especially when it comes to his mother, he loves his Amad." I glance at Thorin, biting my cheek, "Thorin... where do I start with that one..." I give a small laugh, "he's hell bent on this quest... once his mind is made up, no one can change it... He's very stubborn... I'm hoping it doesn't run in his family, but seeing his nephews, it definitely does."

"What about the hobbit?" Bain asks, glancing at Bilbo, "What have you learned of him?" I glance at the hobbit in question, tilting my head, "he misses home, but he wants to see Erebor and help the dwarves find their home... Selfless, as much as he doesn't want to be, he cares for the group. The dwarves even, though he hated them in the beginning." "You've made a family," Sigrid spoke up, I look towards her, giving a smile and a nod, "we have, very much made a family," I respond looking back at the dwarves as I see them whispering amongst themselves since Bard walked away. 

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 17 ⏰

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