Dwarves can have feelings

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Thorin's POV

"We should have left here where she was."

I shake my head as I watch Fili pick her up and start to carry her, part of me was worried, especially after the flinch she shared after I grabbed her wrist, I didn't grab it hard, lest I thought I didn't.

"You don't mean that Thorin," Balin's voice spoke out, "and I know deep down you know you don't mean that."

I shook my eyes at my oldest friend's words, before starting to walk into Rivendell, looking around, I turn to Dwalin once we all stop, shaking my head lightly.


"Ah, Lindir."

"Stay sharp," I lean towards Dwalin as I keep my eyes on this, Lindir.

This Lindir started speaking to Gandalf in Elvish but he was cut off by the Wizard, "I must speak with Lord Elrond."

"My lord Elrond is not here."

"Not here? Where is he?"

Horns sounded behind us and we all turned around as horses started to rush across the bridge, I spoke in Dwarvish before yelling out, "close ranks!" I made sure Fili was in the middle since he was holding Tay, I needed her out of sight of the elves for as long as I could, despite knowing that they could help. The horses started to circle around us, causing my heart to pound against my chest as I watched them closely, keeping my eyes on Gandalf just as one of the elves started to speak to him.


"Lord Elrond." Gandalf greets the Elf on the black horse, before speaking in Elvish, earning responses from him back, the two just speaking in elvish causing me to glare at the two as they continue to speak, just as Elrond climbs off his horse and goes to hug Gandalf.

"Strange for orcs to come so close to our borders. Something or someone is drawing them near." Elrond glances toward all of us and I make my way forward, "Ah that may have been us," Gandalf points his staff towards all of us, so I take that as a queue to step forward.

"Welcome, Thorin, son of Thrain." He spoke as he walked towards me, "I do not believe we have met."

"You have your grandfather's bearing. I knew Thror when he ruled under the mountain."

"Indeed. He made no mention of you." I scoff, looking up at the elf as I try to decide when we should leave. He starts speaking elvish towards me and I hear Gloin speak up behind me in the group, "What is he sayin'? Does he offer us insult?!" He growls out as he starts to push forward.

"No Master Gloin, he's offering you food. And medical care for young Tay." I eye the wizard at his mention of Tay's name then glare at the Elf, "How do you-"

"AH well.. in that case, lead on" The dwarves all move forward walking into the palace ahead of us. I watch as a few elf maidens take Tay from Fili and I try to keep myself from grabbing her and leaving but I knew deep down they could help her better than the mountain ahead of us could at the moment. "She'll be fine My king, just let her get healed." I see my nephew whispering to one of the elves who had a sorrowful look on her face before she nodded and left them alone.

**Before we go towards the food, I pull Fili away from the others and into what I assume is a library, "what did you whisper to that elf maiden?" I question, going straight to the point. He just looks at me, his own questioning look on his face, "I have no idea what you're talking about Uncle," Do I look stupid to you? I saw you whisper something. And somethings been off with her since the hobbits home. Now tell me."

"Don't ask things you don't want to hear the answers to."

I glare at my nephew before shaking my head, "the injury that happened when she 'Arrived here,' was one that happened before she came, I know that much. But what is the cause of it nephew?"

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