Maybe I should stay

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I stand looking at the painting in front of me I chew at my cheek staring at that familiar ring, the ring that will change everything, "Lady Tayler," I turn to see Bilbo walking up the stairs, "Bilbo, how are you enjoying Rivendell?"

"Oh it's wonderful, the views are amazing, I honestly wish I could stay," he smiled as he walked closer, he eyed the painting and stopped when he saw the ring, chewing at my cheek I grab his hand gently, "let us go for a walk? See more of Rivendell..." I smile before leading him away from the painting.

"So, that bag of yours that you always carry, what do you have in it?" I turn to look at the hobbit as we walk, "just stuff from my world, notebooks, pens, pencils, books, my phone, little bits of my old life.."

"Old life? So you don't plan on going back?" he seemed almost worried about my response.

"No Bilbo... I don't, life there wasn't for me, here I feel more at home if you want me to be honest..." I feel his eyes on me as I speak.

"Can I ask why life there wasn't for you?" No matter how much I thought nobody would ask, I had an inkling Bilbo would be the first to ask, I look down at the sleeve covering my arm before I move towards a balcony looking out around Rivendell.

"Bilbo..." I started, leaning against the railing, "I wasn't... I wasn't, mahal I don't know how to even began to explain... My family, they weren't the greatest, they always put my brother before me, and I was always last to everyone... no matter what I had done to prove to them that I was worthy of their love, it never worked... I was never enough. Then I found someone who I knew was perfect, someone who treated me like a queen... but lately he.. it felt like I was nothing to him, like I just warm his bed or just there when he's lonely. He used to know when I was hurting and then all of a sudden, nothing..." I grip the railing lightly, chewing at my cheek, before tasting that familiar metal taste in my mouth, "I wasn't strong in my world, I'm hoping I can be strong here."

"Can I hug you?" I let go of the railing as Bilbo's question, before nodding, he moves and hugs me causing the tears to start filling my eyes as I hug the hobbit tightly, "we want you here Tay," He whispers, I could feel the tightness in my chest as he spoke, I let out a small whimper before the tears just fall.

"I-I'm sorry, I-I can't stop," I pull away wiping the tears away quickly, straightening my dress before the tears just continue to fall.

"no, no, it's okay, its okay. Just breathe. You don't have to be sorry for anything. We've got you. Thorin's got you..." I look at the Hobbit with wide eyes, "he cares for you, much he does for his nephews, you'd be blind to not see it." I shake my head at the hobbit's words, that was a lie and I knew that.

He goes on to say more until we hear footsteps behind us, "Not with your companions?"

Bilbo stutters as he looks at Lord Elrond, "uh, no, I-- I shan't be missed. The truth is that most of them don't think I should be on this journey." I turn away, wiping my eyes as I listen to the two talks, letting them have their moment.

"Indeed. I've heard that hobbits are very resilient." Lord Elrond speaks, earning a chuckle from Bilbo at the remark.


"Mm-hm. I've heard they're fond of the comforts of home." Lord Elrond turns to Bilbo and smirks, earning a soft nod from Bilbo as he smirks.

"I've heard that it's unwise to seek the council of the elves, that they will answer with yes and no." He looked up at Elrond who just stared at him with no emotion on his face before it turned into a smirk, earning an awkward chuckle from Bilbo.

"You are very welcome to stay here if that is your wish." Lord Elrond looks towards me, "you as well Lady Tay, that offer extends to you as well." I smile softly towards the Elf to let him know i acknowledge.

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