Is it worth staying in Middle-Earth

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"Be on your guard. We're about to step over the edge of the wild. Balin, you know these paths. Lead on." Thorin's voice was ahead of everyone as we walked through the mountain, leaving Rivendell behind them.

"Aye," Balin spoke up as he moved.

Bilbo and I turn, looking back toward Rivendell, I take a deep breath, "Master Baggins, Lady Tay I suggest you keep up." Bilbo looks towards Thorin as I just roll my eyes moving past him, putting him behind my as I find myself near Fili and Kili.

"So... you're our uncles one? That must be exciting- oof! Ow!" Kili started until Fili wacked him upside the head, "shut it you idiot," he spoke softly shaking his head as he looked at me, "sorry Tay," Kili replied a small frown on his face.

"Yes, he's my one Kili, but we're not doing anything about it, the quest is more important right now, and that's how it's going to be. No more bringing it up, no talking about it, nothing. Please? I just want to focus on getting you guys your home back." I moved passed them, deciding to walk by Dwalin and Balin knowing they'd keep quiet, well, at least Dwalin would.

Keeping to myself as we walk I look out at the horizon, I grin getting my phone out of my bag, deciding to enjoy taking photos, and killing my phone so I don't deal with that anymore if I do decide to stay. I unlock my phone before smiling as I turn music on too.

I notice the strings of the song that starts and I can't help but start to hum along, enjoying the moment, kind of in my own mind as we walk.

'Can I take you to a moment?

Where the fields are painted gold

And the trees are filled with memories

Of the feelings never told.

When the evening pulls the sun down

And the day is almost through

Oh, the whole world, it is sleeping,

But my world is you

Can I be close to you?

Ooh ooh

Can I be close to you?

Ooh, ooh"

I stop singing as I look up to see everyone else has stopped walking and have been watching me, "w-what?" I stutter out, looking at them with worry in my eyes.

"Since when could you sing lass?!" Bofur yells out first cheering as he comes up to me, "you have a beautiful voice!" He grinned, "please sing us another from your music box!" I giggle softly shaking my head as the song that was playing finishes, I listen to the beat of the next song before changing it.

"I'll find a good one Bofur, but it may or may not be sad, we'll see what one pops up," I reply with a smile as I continue switching songs. The smile grows as I hear the beat of the song before I start to sing.

'There will come a soldier

Who carries a mighty sword

He will tear you city down

O lei, O lai, O Lord

O lei, O lai, O lei, O Lord

He will tear your city down

O lei, O lai, O Lord

There will come a poet

Who's weapon is his word

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