What's a king without his queen?

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When I awake we're on a cliff. I look around before seeing Thorin hugging Bilbo; I stand up, dust myself off, and smile at the interaction until I see Thorin looking at me. "You." I couldn't tell what was in his voice, anger. Sadness? Pity? Empathy? No... was it... was it love?

Bilbo's POV

"W-What Thorin?" I hear Tay speak looking up at him as he gets closer. His expression was serious, but I liked how it softened slightly when he looked at her. The way he looks at her was different from how he looks at everyone. He looks at her like he just realized what love is.

"You and I, we may be raging storms but we are undeniably each other's tranquility," his hands take hers into his, I look down at their hands before turning away to check on everyone else, but their eyes were glued on their king, and his one, "I'd pick your thunder, I'd pick your rain; over anyone's sunshine any day." His words made her eyes begin to water as she shook her head.

I watch as Thorin and Tay talk, seeing him move closer to her, her eyes searching his for anything, a hint of a joke, or a hint that he didn't mean anything he said. I watched as he kissed her. Without warning, without permission. Without deciding to do it, but simply because he couldn't have done anything else. He needed that breath she was holding. It belonged to him, and he wanted it back. I move to make everyone leave the two alone for privacy.

"Oh, come now bilbo, we've been waiting on this since he yelled she was his one," Bofur muttered, earning a glare from me as I shake my head.

"There love is not ours, it is theirs, we must leave them be, before it gets to much more-"

"We must keep moving, the Orcs might be days behind us, but they can move quickly, so we must go." I turn seeing Thorin standing behind me with Tay moving quickly to stand by Fili, her face red as I notice the wheels in her mind turning.

We start walking for the day, moving quickly through the trees until we reach a clearing at night, "Bilbo, your tiny, go up on those rocks and check to see where the warg scouts are." I groan muttering to myself before moving up the rocks, shaking my head slightly. I look from behind a pile of rocks to see wargs running and barking across from us, I scrunnch my nose slightly thinning about it until I hear a growl come from ahead of me, I turn my head slightly and see a big bear, "oh no..." I quickly run back down to the others, shaking my head, "no, no, no."

"How close is the pack?" Thorin asks as I make myself known again, "Too close. A couple of leagues, no more. But that's not the worst of it."

"Have the wargs picked up our scent?" Dwalin asks as I get into the middle of the group.

"Not yet, but they will do. We have another problem."

""Did they see you?" I jump hearing Gandalfs voice, I turn facing the wizard, "they saw you." "No, that's not it." "what did I tell you? Quiet as a mouse." Gandalf grins, "excellent burglar material." The dwarves all cheer and I shake my head.

"Will you just listen? Will you just listen?!" I yell out glaring at them all, "I'm trying to tell you there is something else out there." I point out towards where I came from.

"What form did it take?" Ganfalf questioned, his eyes searching me, "Like a bear?"

"Yea.." I stammer, "Y-yes but bigger. Much bigger."

"You knew about this beast?" Bofur stuttered out, "I say we double back." he added

"And be runned down by a pack of orcs?" Thorin asked, the other dwarves murmbered amounsgt us all.

"There is a a house... It's not far from here. Where we might, uh, take refuge." Gandalf spoke, we all turn an look at him once more, thorin speaking out first.

"Whose house? Are they friend or foe?"

"Neither. He will help us or... He will kill us."

I hear a small whimper come from behind me and I turn seeing Tay, I frown slightly until I see her hand clutching her waist.

"What choice do we have?" Thorin asked just as a roar erupts from behind us, "None..." Gandalf muttered before we all started running. "Come on!" his voice rang out as we ran through a marsh wet land. The roar erupts again as we stop to breath.

"The house!" Gandalf yells, "run!" I look to my right to see Bombur running faster than all of us, my eyes go wide before I hurry along with him. Soon we reach the house and Bombur tries crashing into the door to open it, Fili and Kili doing the same thing.

"Open the damn door" I hear Tay yell as she pushes through the dwarves. She shoves Fili aside before standing up and pushing the latch up along with Thorin before we rush in, slamming it behind us quickly just as the bear tries shoving his face through the door.

"What is that?" Ori asked, making us all look at Gandalf.

"That... that is our host." Gandalf smirks, "His name is Beorn. And he's a skin-changer. Sometimes he's a huge black bear. Sometimes he's a great strong man. The bear is unpredictable... But the man can be reasoned with. However, he is not overfond of dwarves." The dwarves all murmer as they try to think.

"He's leaving," Ori speaks up as we look towards the door. "Come away from there. It's not natural. None of it!" Dori speaks, "It's obvious. He's under some dark spell."

I hear a small huff and I turn to see Tay glaring at Dori, "Then I'm not natural, am I?" She starts, "I'm not from this world, I'm not from Middle-Earth. Does that make me some dark spell?" She asks, "You cannot judge what you do not know Dori. Leave the bear man alone."

"Don't be a fool." Gandalf mutters out as he listened, "He's under no enchantment but his own. All right, now, get some sleep. All of you. You'll be safe here tonight. I hope."

Tay's POV

I hear the snores of Bombur and Gloin start and I climb out of my nap sack, moving to head outside, "do you have a deathwish?" I turn seeing Thorin, I shrug gently, "I think he's out patrolling, I'll be okay." I move and walk outside, I find a small bench and I climb up into it, sitting down and looking out at the sky, Thorins words earlier finding there way to the front omy head again.

'You and I, we may be raging storms but we are undeniably each other's tranquility,' I mean, I wouldn't be lying if I was tranquil around him. 'I'd pick your thunder, I'd pick your rain; over anyone's sunshine any day.'

I feel a body sit next to mine and I look over seeing Thorin, I smile softly tucking my bottom lip between my teeth as I think.

"I know I messed up Tay," Thorin started, I went to say something but his hand covered my mouth causing me to glare at him but he just shakes his head, "let me talk. Please?" I roll my eyes before nodding, a small on my lips as I stick my tongue out and lick his hand, he quickly removes is hand from my mouth, "Did you... did you just lick my hand?" I giggle nodding, "oh Amrâlimê," he chuckled before he looked down at his hands. "I shouldn't have kept how I felt, nor what I knew away from you. You are my one, you are the one my soul is destined for and I will always be sure to remind you of the everyday, my love." I look down at my hands, blushing red as I think about it.

"Thorin... I'm nothing special, I'm... well, I'm just me. You'll find that out sooner or later and you'll be sick of me."

"Sick of you?" He questioned, I nod and he quickly shakes his head. "No, I will never be sick of you. I am a lucky dwarf to call you my one, and... I wish to court you, I want to take care of you. I want you to stay in Middle earth when the quest is done, live with me in erebor." I look up at him and raise a brow, but all I can see is his eyes already on me, "I shouldn't have tried to push you away, or kept you at arms length and I'm so deeply sorry for that, Tay."

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