Chapter 10) Killer

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Bellamy is fine. The wood merely knocked him down for a minute. By now, Murphy and four others are gone. They're chasing after Charlotte, Finn, and Clarke.

Y/N grabs his hand and pulls him up. "Cmon."

She leads him out the gate and into the woods. She lets go of his hand and the two walk in silence for a while, listening for any sounds.

"Y/N." He walks behind her.

"Y/N." She doesn't answer him.

"Y/N! Please." he grabs her arm and turns her around to face him.

"What?" She says avoiding his eyes.

"I'm sorry."

She scoffs. "Please."

He takes his hand and tilts her head to face him. "I'm serious. I'm sorry. You aren't to blame. I shouldn't have yelled like that."

She backs away from his grip. "Whatever."

He pulls her arm, dragging her closer to him.

She almost loses her balance so she sets her arms on his shoulders to stabilize herself.

He wraps his arms around her waist.

She looks him in his eye now. "How did we go from what happened in your tent, to you screaming at me and hanging Murphy in a matter of minutes?"

He sighs. "I don't know."

Her mind tells her to back away from him and keep looking for Charlotte but her heart tells her something different.

The air is cool. His arms protect her.

He makes the gap between the two smaller.

She goes to say something when she hears a twig snap. Bellamy quickly lets go of Y/N and reaches for his knife.

Another twig snaps and he wheels around to find a terrified Charlotte.

She tries to run but Y/N grabs her by her sides, picking her up.

"Let me go!"

Bellamy shushes her. "We're trying to help you." He whispers.

She thrashes in Y/N's grip and yells loudly. "I'm over here! Murphy! I'm over here!"

Y/N covers Charlottes mouth. "Are you trying to get us all killed?"

Bellamy takes the girl from Y/N's arms and carries her away. They make their way deeper into the woods only to come across a cliff. They're stuck.

Murphy and his goons appear with torches and weapons.

He tries grabbing Charlotte but Bellamy backs up, nearing the edge. Y/N stands in front of them.

"Bellamy! You cannot fight all of us. Give her up." Murphy says, his voice raspy.

"Maybe not, but I guarantee I'll take a few of you with me." He says, wrapping his arms around Charlotte.

Clarke and Finn burst out of the woods to find the group. "Bellamy stop!"

"This has gone too far. Just calm down. We'll talk about this." Y/N steps a little closer.

"I'm sick of listening to you talk." Murphy says, grabbing Y/N by the arm and dragging her close, holding a knife to her throat.

Bellamys eyes narrow and he lets go of Charlotte who stands by him. "Let her go."

Clarke covers her mouth with her hand and grabs onto Finns arm. "Oh my god."

The knife touches her skin and she shivers against the cold metal. "I will slit the princess's throat." He says angrily.

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