Chapter 35) Fall

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After several agonizing minutes, the cart finally stops. The girls pretend to be dead as the Reapers haul out a few bodies. Footsteps retreat and Y/N opens her eyes. The coast is clear. For now.

Clarke and Y/N climb out. Anya follows after. They grab the clothing they found earlier and rush in the opposite direction of the men.

Every turn they make is a dead end. "Damn it! This place is a maze." Y/N says angrily.

Anya groans. "What are they doing to us?"

"They use your blood. I saw a soldier come in with radiation burns, hours later he was fine. It's like your blood is healing them somehow. I've never seen anything like it."

Clarke points. "That way!"

Y/N starts to follow but turns around to see Anya going the other direction. "Hey, what are you doing? That's the way back to the Reapers."

"You go your way. I'll go mine."

Clarke shakes her head. "Anya, we need to stick together."

Anya scoffs. "I already told you two. There is no we."

Y/N crosses her arms. "I saved your life."

"You saved because you need me. I know the way back to your people, I know where all the traps are hidden. You'd never make it alone."

Y/N rolls her eyes and turns back towards Clarke. "We don't have time for this. Our best chance to get out of here alive is together. All we can doing is keep moving and hope-"

Y/N notices the look on Clarkes face and sighs. "She's gone isn't she?"

Clarke nods.

Y/N turns around to find Anya gone. She sighs and motions for Clarke to go.

They're running down the tunnels when suddenly voices are heard approaching. It's the Reapers.

They try to turn the corner but run into a group of them. "Oh god."

Suddenly they're surrounded. Y/N wraps her arms around Clarke. "Please, no." The men lick their lips, swords in hand.

She feels a tear slide down her cheek as the Reapers get closer. They're gonna die in this tunnel. She'll never see Bellamy again. She'll never see Raven again. Monty. Jasper. Miller. Harper. Finn. Even Murphy. None of them.

Suddenly there's a high-pitched frequency and the Reapers fall to the ground, groaning in pain.

Y/N looks up and sees guards in hazmat suits holding up guns and some kind of blue-light.

One of them shouts at the Reapers. "Get back! Get away from them now!"

The other guard shines a light in the sisters faces. "Y/N and Clarke Griffin. You're coming with us."

The guards grab the girls and start dragging them back towards the doors to the mountain. Y/N grinds her teeth. "We saw everything, We know what you're doing to them."

"That's why you're going in the Harvest Chamber with them." The guard holding her says. He holds down a radio button and speaks. "Alpha building two, we've reached the intake, two prisoners in custody."

The radio crackles against his suit. "Your mission was to bring back all of them. The outsider can not leave this base. Alpha one is coming out now."

Suddenly screaming is heard and Y/N looks behind them to see Anya, jumping off a cart onto one of the men.

Y/N breaks free while her guard is distracted, pulling off his mask. The man immediately screams, covering his face as the radiation seeps into his pores.

Clarke reaches up and does the same to the other guard as the door opens, revealing more. Y/N grabs the gun from the fallen guard.

Anya stands up. "This way! I found a way out!"

The sisters quickly follow the woman to the edge of the tunnel. It's the dam. Several hundred feet below them is a lake.

Clarke shakes her head. "This can't be the only way!" She yells over the sound of the water falling.

"It is!" Anya replies.

Several more guards appear behind them, trapping them at the edge of the opening. "Give up! There's no place left to go."

Y/N scoffs, glancing down. "Wanna bet?" She gets a small running start and leaps over the edge of the dam. She hears a shout and knows that Anya and Clarke are following.

The fall is terrifying. It's a long way down. She hits the surface of the water and thrashes around. She never learned how to swim. She just barely manages to keep her head above the water as she makes it to the shore. Anya follows.

A sudden surge of dizziness hits Y/N from and she falls back against the rocks.
When she wakes up, Y/N is still laying on the rocks. Anya sits beside her. Y/N sits up quickly. "Where's Clarke?"

Anya shrugs.

"Did you see her?"

Anya shakes her head. "She jumped. That's all I saw."

Y/N stands. "She can't swim. Maybe-" She cuts herself off as she glances over to the lake. She doesn't want to believe that her sister drowned.

Anya stands. "It doesn't matter."

Y/N looks at her. "Of course it matters. That's my sister."

Anya shrugs. "Oh well."

Y/N grinds her teeth but says nothing. "We should go. We should try the dropship first."

Anya picks up a rock and smashes it against Y/N's head before she can react. The dizziness comes back and the world spins.

Anya ties something around Y/N's wrists. "We're not going back to your dropship. You burned 300 of my warriors, I can't show my face without a prize."

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