Chapter 11) Radio

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Y/N waits a minute before leaving Bellamy's tent, in case anybody is watching. Plus she needed a moment to calm herself down after what he whispered in her ear.

She steps out and sees nearly the whole camp looking up into the sky. She walks up towards Bellamy but doesn't say anything.

Something is falling to earth. A meteor? No. A shooting star? No. A space pod.

Someone smiles and nudges Y/N. "They're coming to help us. Now we can kick some grounder ass."

Some others cheer. Bellamy's face is stone. Why isn't he happy? Y/N tries reading his expression.

Members of the group start packing their bags. A boy speaks. "If it cleared the ridge than it's probably near the lake."

Octavia nods her head. "We should get moving."

Bellamy crosses his arms. "No one's going anywhere. Not while it's dark it isn't safe. We'll head out at first light; pass the word."

"Everyone for a hundred miles saw this thing come down. What if the grounders get to it first? We should go now." Y/N tells him.

"I said we wait till sunrise." With that, he walks away. Octavia glances at Y/N. She just sighs.

Nearly twenty minutes later and Finn and Clarke enter camp. They look around asking where Bellamy is. Someone nearby answers. "He took off a while ago."

Y/N groans and walks over to his tent. She opens the flap to find it empty. "Son of a-"

"What's wrong?" Clarke is behind her.

Y/N turns around to face her. "Bellamy's gone. So is his gear. He told everyone to stay. Whatever's in that thing, he wants it. We've gotta get there before he does."

Clarke, Finn and Y/N quickly grab their things and rush out the camp, in the direction of the crashed pod.

"I should've known he'd go for that radio." Clarke mumbles.

Finn shakes his head. "How are you supposed to know something like that?"

"Because he spent every single minute since we landed making sure no one on the Ark finds out we're alive." Y/N says with a sigh.

She doesn't know why. He wants everyone up there to think the delinquents are dead. Yeah, she wanted her mom to think she was dead but only temporarily. He doesn't want the council to know. Why?

The sun is starting to peak over the trees when Clarke looks at the two. "Should we split up?"

"Yeah." Finn says.

The three go off in different directions. Y/N comes into a clearing to find the smoking pod. It's too small to be filled with supplies.

She opens the door, jumping back in shock. There's a girl inside. She has brown hair, pushed back into a ponytail. There's a nasty gash on her forehead.

She looks up at Y/N, mouth open. "Hi. I made it?

Y/N laughs a bit. "Yeah."

She reaches her arm into the pod and helps the girl out. She takes off her suit and puts on a puffy orange jacket. Y/N smiles as she dances around, rain sprinkling down from the clouds.

Finn and Clarke come through the trees to find the two girls standing in the clearing.

Finns mouth drops open. "Raven?"

The girl stops twirling and looks at him. Tears form in her eyes. "Finn!" She runs into his arms and hugs him tight.

Y/N smiles until Raven kisses him. She looks at Clarke who has a shocked and broken expression.

Finn has a girlfriend.

He walks up to Clarke and she hands him a cloth to tend to Raven.

He goes to speak but she shuts him down. "Let's not talk about this."

He sighs and walks back to Raven handing her the cloth. He motions back to the sisters. "Raven, this is Clarke and Y/N. They were on the drop ship too."

"Y/N? Clarke? This was all because of your mom. This was all her plan. We were trying to come down here together. If we waited-- Oh, my God. We couldn't wait because the council was voting whether to kill three hundred people to save air."

Y/N's eyes widen as Raven stands. "What? When?"

"Today. We have to tell them you're alive." They run back to the pod and she opens the door. "The radio's gone. It must've gotten loose during reentry. I should've strapped it to the A-strut. Stupid!" She hits the metal door in anger.

"No, no, this is my fault. Someone got here before us. We have to find him." Y/N says with a groan.
A few minutes of walking later, and she spots the curly-haired man headed back towards camp. His hands are empty.

She catches up to him. "Hey! Where is it?"

He glances back at her and notices the other three. "Hey princess. Taking a walk in the woods?"

"They're getting ready to kill three hundred people up there to save oxygen." He stops walking and looks at her. "I can guarantee you it won't be council members. It'll be working people." She points at him. "Your people."

Finn walks up and shoves him slightly. "Bellamy, where's the radio?"

Bellamy shoves Finn back. "I have no idea what you're talking about."

Raven crosses her arms. "Bellamy Blake? They're looking everywhere for you."

Bellamy glances at Y/N before narrowing his eyes at Raven. "Shut up." He says quietly.

Y/N looks at her. "Looking for him, why?"

"He shot Chancellor Jaha."

She gasps. Y/N turns to Bellamy who purses his lips, not making eye contact. "That's why you took the wristbands. Needed everyone to think we're dead."

Finn rolls his eyes. "All that 'whatever the hell we want'? You just care about saving your own skin."

Bellamy starts to walk away and Raven steps in front of him. "Hey! Shooter! Where's my radio?"

He walks past her. "Get out of my way."

Raven asks again. "Where is it?"

He turns to look at her. "I should've killed you when I had the chance."

"Really? Well i'm right here."

Y/N grabs his arm before he can do anything. "Enough."

He looks at Raven. "Jaha deserved to die. You all know that."

"Yeah, he's not my favorite person either, but he isn't dead." She says.

Bellamy's face contorts at that. "What?"

Raven huffs out a laugh. "You're a lousy shot."

Y/N squeezes his arm. "Bellamy, don't you see what this means? You're not a murderer. You always did what you had to do to protect your sister. That's who you are. And you can do it again by protecting three hundred of your people. Where's the radio?"

He looks at her sadly. "It's too late."

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