Chapter 14) Knife

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Rain pounds against the drop ship. Nearly all remaining teens are inside. Finn lays on a table. Clarke wipes her face. Raven talks into the radio that she has been trying to fix.

Several kids try holding down a tarp against the open door. It's crowded inside. Tensions are high.

"This is Raven Reyes. Calling Ark Station. Come in Ark Station. This is Raven Reyes. Calling Ark Station. Please come in. Please, please. Can anybody hear me?"

A girl looks at her irritated. "Are you sure you have the right frequency?"

Raven grinds her teeth. "Yeah. I'm sure." She snaps.

Y/N walks up to Raven, setting her hand on the girls shoulder. "You got this."

She nods slowly.

Raven repeats the same sentence over and over until suddenly, the radio crackles.

A voice comes over the speaker. "This is a restricted station. Who is this? Please identify yourself."

Raven glances at Y/N who sits next to her. Raven turns a dial, trying to make the voice clearer. The teens around start to talk excitedly.

"This is Raven Reyes. I- I'm from Mecha Station. I'm transmitting from the ground. The hundred are alive. Please, you need to get Doctor Abby Griffin. Doctor Abby Griffin. Now."

The voice comes back. "Hang on Raven, we're trying to boost your signal. Get her off the Ark-wide channel. This room only. Copy?" He talks to somebody near him up on the Ark.

There's static for a second and Y/N's heart drops.

Suddenly a female voice comes over the radio. "Raven? Are you there?"

Y/N recognizes the woman. It's her mother. Clarke walks over from the table where Finn lays unconscious. She grabs Y/N's hand.

Y/N gently takes the radio from Ravens hands. She takes a breath. "Mom?"

There's a pause. The radio crackles again. "Y/N?"

Clarke takes the radio. "Mom."

They hear a sigh over the speaker. "My girls." She whispers.

Y/N feels tears in her eyes. There's a small bit of relief that her mother is alive. Then she remembers Wells. Her father. She stays silent as Clarke speaks aloud.

"Mom, I need your help. One of our people was stabbed by a Grounder."

There's a rustling over the radio and suddenly Jaha's voice speaks. "Clarke. This is the Chancellor. Are you saying there are survivors on the ground?"

Clarke takes a breath. "Yes, the Earth is survivable. We're not alone."

There's silence. Y/N speaks. "Mom, he's dying. The knife is in his chest."

Abby can be heard over the static. "Patch me through to medical."

Jaha's voice speaks again. "Y/N... Is- is my son with you?"

Y/N looks down at the floor. She rubs her nose. "I'm so sorry... Wells... he's dead."

A sharp inhale comes through and the radio cracks again. "They need you Abby." Footsteps are heard retreating and his voice is gone.

A few clicks are heard and then it's just Abby's voice.

"Clarke... Y/N.... need... find..."

The radio crackles in and out.

Y/N stands up, biting her nails. "Raven what's happening?"

Her face is panicked. "It's not the radio. It's the storm."

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