Chapter 42) Commander

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"Initiating evacuation plan 2A. Report to your station supervisor for further instructions." The overhead comm system says.

"They're not attacking yet, which means we still have time." Clarke says.

The three Griffins now sit in the council meeting room with Jaha.

"We have two hours til dawn." Abby says.

"Let me talk to the commander." Y/N says. "She was Anya's second. Maybe she'll listen."

Jaha shakes his head. "We don't even know if the commander is here."

"Yes we do. Nyko told us." Clarke says. She turns to their mother. "You have to at least let her try."

"Abby, we're wasting time." Jaha says. "Give me the authority now."

"Hold on. Y/N, you said that Lincoln is going through withdrawal. We don't even know what he's withdrawing from. The detox alone could kill him."

Y/N nods. "That's where you come in."

"And if I can't save him?"

Clarke bites her lip. "That's not an option."

Jaha leans back in his chair with his arms crossed. "We are risking everything on a bluff?"

Nobody says anything so he continues. "Abby, we have an out. We have a way to save the lives of our people."

Y/N grinds her teeth. "Not all of them." She thinks about her friends still trapped in the mountain.

Monty. Jasper. Harper, Miller. So many more of their people are in there. Alone.

Jaha stands up, raising his voice. "We will come back to save the kids inside Mount Weather."

She takes a step closer to him, anger seeping out of her. "We all know, that's not gonna happen."

Jaha turns to Abby again but Y/N cuts him off before he can speak. "What if Wells was in there?"

Silence fills the room.

Jaha turns to look at her. "What did you just say?"

She crosses her arms. "You wouldn't hesitate if it was your son in there."

He points a finger at her. "You don't get to talk about my son!"

"I loved him!" She screams back.

Clarke rests a hand on Y/N's shoulder. She takes a deep breath.

Jaha averts his gaze from her. "Abby, this has gone on long enough. If you do not give the order to begin the exodus, you are killing us all."

There's a pause before Abby speaks. "I'm sorry. I can't give that order."

"Give the order."


Jahas voice gets quiet as he speaks. "I am the elected chancellor of the Ark. And I am not going to let you risk the lives of my people. Do you understand? I am going to ask you once again, give the order to begin the exodus."

Abby doesn't give in. "No. Are you through yet?"

Jaha walks over towards the guards that stand silently in the room. "Sergeant Miller. Major Byrne. I am relieving Dr. Griffin of her command."

He turns and glances at the ladies. "Place these three into custody, but make sure that they are ready to leave with the rest of us... within the hour."

He turns back to the blonde guard member. "Right now, major! Or the blood of everyone in this camp will be on your hands too."

Abby speaks from her position near her daughters. "Major Byrne, Sergeant Miller... put chancellor Jaha in the stockade."

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