Chapter 37) Love

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Now in medical, Y/N looks around the tent. Abby and Jackson are treating her various cuts and wounds, along with the arm where the bullet grazed her.

Y/N takes in her mother again. "I saw your ship crash."

Abby shakes her head. "I wasn't on it. I'm right here."

A blonde guard walks in. Y/N recognizes her from the Ark. Major Byrne.

"How is she?"

Abby glares at her. "She'll be fine."

The blonde woman bites her inner cheek. "I'm sorry, ma'am. We had no idea who she was." She looks at Y/N now. "Where have you been?"

"Mount Weather."

Major Byrne tilts her head. "The Grounders took you to Mount Weather?"

Y/N sits up. "No. The mountain men. We have to get them out."

Abby turns to the woman. "We aren't doing this right now."

Major Byrne exits the tent.

"Mom, did anyone else make it here?"

Abby nods with a small smile. "Yes. 6 of you did."

Y/N's breath hitches in her throat. "Bellamy?"

Abby nods. "Raven and Finn, too."

Y/N smiles, as tears form in her eyes. "I thought you were dead. We thought you died."

Abby shakes her head, pulling her daughter in for a hug. "I'm right here." She pauses. "Was Clarke in the mountain with you?"

Y/N pulls away from the hug. "Yeah. We escaped together. We got separated."

Abby nods. "I'm sure she's okay."

Y/N notices a pin on Abby's shirt. "I thought you got thrown off the council?"

Abby looks down at it. "Oh. It's the chancellors pin."

Y/N raises her eyebrows. "You?"

Abby nods. "Thelonious didn't make it, and Kane left two days ago to try to make peace with the Grounders to get you and the others back."

"I told you. The Grounders don't have us. How long have I been asleep?"

"About 10 hours."

This time, Abby doesn't stop her as she climbs out of bed. "Mom, we need to move against Mount Weather. How many guards are here? Where are Finn and Bellamy?"

Abby tries sitting her down. "Please. You need rest."

"I don't need to rest. I'm fine. And I don't need you to protect me. What I need is to save my friends."

Suddenly Major Byrne walks back in the tent. "Ma'am. Movement in the north woods."

"Grounders?" Abby asks.

"I don't think so." The two leave the tent and Y/N stumbles after them.

As she exits, she spots Raven leaning against a pole.

She gasps. "Raven!"

Raven smiles and pulls her in for a hug. "Hi. I've been waiting out here all night. Abby said you needed sleep."

Y/N pulls away and notices a leg brace on Raven. She is paralyzed in the leg because of the bullet that Murphy put in her.

Raven notices the expression on Y/N's face and speaks. "Sucks, but i'm dealing with it."

The gate to Camp Jaha opens and Y/N looks up to see a group of people entering.

Bellamy and Octavia are among them. She feels a tear slide down her cheek. "Bellamy." She whispers.

Raven smiles and points. "Go. I'll catch up."

Y/N hugs Raven once more before taking off in a full sprint to Bellamy.

Before he even realizes what's happening, she pulls him into a large hug. Her arms wrap around his neck. He inhales sharply as he realizes that it's her. He scoops her up and spins her around with a laugh.

He sets her down and immediately leans in and kisses her.

Octavia laughs. "Well there's something I never thought I'd see."

Y/N pulls away from the kiss and rests her head against his. Another tear slides down her cheek. "Bellamy." She whispers again.

He has tears in his own eyes. "Y/N."

He brushes a piece of hair out of her face and kisses her softly again.

"I love you." She whispers against him, finally admitting her true feelings.

He doesn't hesitate to reply. "I love you, too."

After a moment, they separate and Y/N hugs Octavia. "I'm glad you're okay."

"You too."

Bellamy looks at Y/N. "How many are with you?"

Y/N sighs. "None." She glances around. "Finn?"

"He's out there. Looking for you and Clarke."
Y/N and Bellamy stand around with Abby, Sinclair, Major Byrne and a few other guard members. Bellamy's arm is wrapped around Y/N's waist. She leans against his side.

Major Byrne speaks to the group. "We know nothing about these people in Mount Weather. Their numbers, their capabilities. We need to proceed carefully."

"According to Y/N, the 47 still inside are not being harmed, at least not yet. Now, I hate to leave them there, but if she's right, we have some time." Sinclair says.

Abby nods. "Ok. We gather intel on Mount Weather and we send a team after Kane. He needs to know that the Grounders don't have those kids."

"What about Finn Collins and John Murphy?" Major Byrne asks.

Nobody says anything and Y/N looks at her mother. "What? No. You can't just cut them loose."

"Sweetheart, we don't have the manpower to send out two separate rescue missions and protect our camp."

"They're in trouble. They're either gonna get themselves killed or they're gonna make things worse with the Grounders, who we need to get our people out of Mount Weather." Y/N says, crossing her arms.

"I know you feel this is unfair. But our priority has to be with Chancellor Kane if there is any hope for peace." Abby says.

Y/N scoffs. "If you wanted peace, you shouldn't have killed the only Grounder who was gonna help us."

"I'm sorry. The decision's been made." Abby turns to walk away.

"What about Clarke? She's still out there too. Are you just gonna abandon her? Leave her to die? Like you did to dad?" Y/N spits angrily.

Bellamy speaks up too. "Finn and Murphy are out there looking for your daughters with guns you gave us, and now that one is home, you're just going to abandon them? If you can't spare the guards, we know the terrain, we have a map. We can do it ourselves." Y/N nods at that.

Abby shakes her head. "Absolutely not."

"Mom." Y/N says.

Abby looks at her. "I just got you back."

Jackson walks in and taps Abby on the shoulder. "We need you in medical."

Abby turns to the blonde woman. "Major Byrne, nobody leaves this camp."

Everyone in the room exits, leaving only Bellamy and Y/N.

She removes herself from his grasp and looks into his eyes. "We're gonna need guns."

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