Chapter 30) Blast

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"I see them. They're moving! I count two, 3, no, wait, there's more. I don't know, man. There's too many of them." One of the teens, Sterling says, over the radio.

There are gunshots and then silence. "South foxhole. South foxhole, report now." Bellamy repeats.

"Yeah, yeah. We're ok. They didn't attack. It's like... it's like shooting at ghosts." Sterling replies.

Y/N groans and hits the side of the drop ship. The radio is attached to her hip as she maneuvers her way through the mess of wires. She's looking for an orange one for Raven.

Suddenly Monroe shouts over the walkie. "There! I see them!"

More shots unload into the woods.

"Stop! Stop. Hold your fire! Hold your fire! Reload. Now." Bellamy yells.

Sterling comes over the radio again. "Those were are last clips. We should fall back."

"No. If this position falls, they'll walk right to the front door." Bellamy responds.

Raven shouts down at the Griffins. "Did you find it yet?"

Y/N rests her hand on her forehead. "No. It's a mess down here."

"You have to find the one that connects the manual override to the electromagnet."

Clarke suddenly gasps. "Hey, I found it. Orange wire!"

"About time! Now follow that wire to the override panel."

Clarke follows the wire and Y/N helps her. Suddenly the wire stops and Y/N curses. "F*ck! Raven? It's fried. Tell me this isn't as bad as I think."

"Do either of you know how to splice a wire?"

The sisters glance at each other. "No." Clarke calls out.

They hear a deep sigh. "Then it's worse."

Jaspers voice suddenly comes over the radio. "They're everywhere! Harper, get down! We need backup! Raven, our mines actually worked!"

Raven gasps and hits the floor to alert the girls. "Jasper can splice!"

Y/N picks up the walkie and holds the button down. "Jasper, we need you in the dropship right now."

Bellamy's voice answers in response. "Negative. We can't give up the west woods."

Y/N grinds her teeth impatiently. "The west woods are mined, Bellamy. The Grounders just figured that out. Jasper, get in here."

More gunshots. Suddenly Jasper speaks. "All gunners, listen up. The Grounders are not attacking. They're making us waste bullets. Don't shoot when they're running laterally."

Bellamy agrees. "Jasper's right. Don't fire until you're sure it's attack. Repeat, do not fire until you are sure."

Y/N crawls out of the floor of the drop ship. Jasper runs in and she points down to where Clarke is. "Help Clarke and Raven!"

He hands her his gun and she takes it, rushing outside where the other gunners are scrambling. Bellamy's voice is cutting in and out on the radio.

The Grounders are attacking them now. Someone over the radio shouts. "They've broken through! There's hundreds of them! They're heading for the gate! Game over, man!"

Y/N fires off a few shots, killing incoming Grounders. "There's too many of them! Everybody in the drop ship now!"

Suddenly a loud sonic boom is heard and all fighting stops. The sky is lit up with something hurtling to the ground. A girl named Fox appears by Y/N's side. "Is that from the Ark?"

Y/N shakes her head. "That IS the Ark."

A tall Grounder screams at his people to take down the gate. Y/N holds up her gun when weird turkey-like sounds are heard. The man suddenly shivers. "Reapers!!!!"

The two Grounder groups start to fight each other, giving the teens a little more time. She rushes inside to find Clarke and Finn talking quickly.

"And the rockets aren't ready yet. Jasper's working on them now." Clarke says.

Finn rubs his head. "Jasper? What's plan B?"

Y/N sighs. "Jasper was plan B."

Suddenly Miller flaps open the tarp on the drop ship door. "Y/N, they're taking down the gates."

Jasper climbs up from the bottom. "Good, because I did it. I think..."

Miller rolls his eyes. "I'm closing the door."

Y/N grabs his arm. "Wait! We still have people out there. Bellamy's not back yet."

She tells Jasper and Clarke to get everyone inside. She hurries outside and sees Bellamy by the foxhole. She tries to go to him but he shakes his head at her.

"Bellamy! You'll never make it!"

He just smiles sadly. She clenches her jaw. "Bell!"

"Get inside, Y/N." He says.

She feels a tear slide down her cheek. Finn appears by her side. "Y/N we have to go."

Suddenly the tall Grounder pulls out a sword and knocks Bellamy to the ground with the handle.

She covers her mouth. "He's gonna kill him!" She holds up the gun and shoots once, clipping the man in the shoulder. He doesn't falter.

Finn grabs the gun from her and runs out to help Bellamy. Clarke sees him running and tries to get him to stop but he refuses. Y/N grabs Clarkes arm and rushes to the drop ship door. She sets her hand on the lever and tears start to blind her sight.

"Y/N, you can't save everybody." Miller says.

Y/N makes eye contact with a swollen-faced Bellamy and he nods at her.

I love you. I love you. I love you. She repeats it in her head. She may never see him again. She should've told him. I love you. I love you. I love you.

She pulls the lever and the door rises to shut. Suddenly there's a grunting noise and then a thud. Anya, the woman Y/N spoke with on the bridge, had jumped inside before the door shut.

The woman holds up her weapon defensively.

Miller hits her on the side of the head and tackles her to the ground. A few others hold her down and Y/N wipes her eyes. "Jasper, now!"

He flicks the switch and everyone holds their breath.

Nothing happens.

Jasper pales and he tries flicking it again.

Still nothing.

Finally he thinks of something. "Raven says current flows to the magnet. We just need a current."

He goes to find something as the ship rattles. The Grounders are pounding against the ship. Someone kicks Anya.

"Let's kill her!" A boy shouts. Others cheer.

Y/N stomps her foot against the metal floor. "Stop! We are not Grounders!"

Everyone stops. Jasper suddenly climbs down the ladder. "I think I fixed it."

He flicks the switch and a loud rumbling takes over the whole ship. It gets warm inside. Y/N takes a deep breath. She hopes that Bellamy and Finn got away.

Finally after a few minutes of silence, she opens the door and the group walks out with Anya.

The ground is blackened. Skeletons and bones litter the floor.

Y/N glances at the others when suddenly something is tossed into the perimeter of their gates. It's starts emitting red smoke and Y/N coughs.

Anya inhales sharply. "Mountain men."

The smoke is too much and Y/N collapses to the ground. The others follow suit. The last thing she sees is a person in a hazmat suit and gas mask standing over her.

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