Chapter 33) Lies

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Y/N lays quietly on her bunk in the dorm room with the other teens. She has her pamphlet and is sketching possible escape routes.

Suddenly the doors open and Maya walks in with Fox, one of the girls from the Ark. She's finally been released from the quarantine ward.

Jasper smiles and starts talking to Maya when an alarm blasts over the speakers.

Y/N sits up and glances around. Mayas face pales and she starts to walk out the room. Y/N climbs down the ladder. "Wait. What's happening?"

"That signal means the surface patrol is back and someone needs medical attention. I have to go to quarantine." Maya replies.

Y/N starts to follow after her and Jasper calls out. "Y/N, what are you doing?"

"Maybe they found survivors. If our people are hurt, we have a right to know."

Jasper sighs as she keeps walking. "I'm pretty sure we shouldn't just be..." He cuts himself off, knowing she won't come back. He groans and follows her too.

They get to the quarantine ward as Maya is suiting up in her hazmat. "What are we dealing with?" She asks the man standing guard.

"They were attacked. One dead. He's in room two. The other took off his gloves and mask to treat him. He's still in decon, but he'll need treatment as soon as he's processed through."

Maya nods and enters the room.

"Who attacked them?" Y/N asks.

The man's face contorts in confusion. "What are you doing here? Hey, stop! It's not safe!"

Y/N opens the door. "It is for us. Cmon, Jasper."

He sighs and looks at the man. "Someone has to keep her out of trouble." They enter the room and he starts talking. "Y/N, slow down. Stop pushing so hard. These people are..."

Y/N gasps as she sees the wrapped body of a mountain man. "Lying to us." She points at the man's chest. "That's a bullet wound. Grounders don't use guns."

Jasper goes quiet for a moment. "Unless the Grounders got the guns from us." He offers.

Y/N shakes her head. "I don't think so. I think our people are alive out there."
At the dining hall, Y/N walks up to Dante who's piling a plate with pancakes. She crosses her arms. "We need to talk."

He smiles. "Sure. Let's talk over breakfast."

She shakes her head. "Who shot that soldier?"

People around them turn to look at her with concern. Dante sets his plate down and pulls Y/N aside. "The patrol that was looking for your people was attacked by what you call Grounders."

Y/N eyes him. "I fought Grounders. They don't use guns."

Dante tilts his head slightly. "I never mentioned guns. Sergeant Shaw was shot by an arrow."

Y/N grinds her teeth. "That's not true. I saw the wound."

He sighs. "Sometimes, we feel so strongly about our people we see things that aren't there."

She goes silent for a second. "I'd like to see the body."

He nods. "Of course. Follow me."

They go back to the quarantine ward together and wait until Dr. Tsing rolls a stretcher into the room with the man's body. "Sorry to keep you waiting. We had to finish decontamination." She says.

"The man with the burns. How is he?"

The doctor glances at Dante. "He's improving."

"I'd like to speak with him."

Dr. Tsing shakes her head. "Only patients are allowed in medical."

Dante holds up his hand. "We can arrange something."

The woman pulls back the plastic cover so Y/N can look at the wound. She notices some kind of dial on the man's chest. "What is that?"

"It's a dialysis shunt. We all have them in case of exposure. Would you like to see the exit wound?"

Y/N nods and Dr. Tsing flips the man. "Sergeant Langston was forced to push the arrow out in the field." She puts him back down and grabs something off the table behind her. "We've got it right here."

It's a plastic bag with a bloody arrowhead in it.
Y/N enters the dorm and immediately she's surrounded by Jasper, Monty, Harper, Miller, and Clarke.

"What did president Wallace say?" Jasper asks.

"He showed me Shaw's body. It looked like an arrow wound."

He shrugs. "Well, maybe because it is an arrow wound."

She shakes her head. "Or that's what they want us to think. They could have doctored it."

The kids give her weird looks. Clarke nods in agreement.

Jasper sighs. "Y/N, you sound like a crazy person. Why do you want to screw this up for us?"

She takes a deep breath. "I don't know what this is."

"This is... safe. This is food, a real bed, clothes, and my personal favorite... not getting speared by Grounders. How long do you think they'll let us stay here if you keep this up?"

Clarke eyes him. "Did someone threaten you?"

Jasper huffs out a laugh. "No. It's common sense. Look. We're guests here, not prisoners. What would you do with a guest who kept calling you a liar and generally acted like an ungrateful ass?"

Miller purses his lips. "Kick the ungrateful ass out."

Jasper sighs. "Right now, the biggest threat to us, is you, Y/N."
Later, Y/N is sitting at a table with Clarke. Clarke is drawing on a sketch pad and Y/N is watching the people around her.

Suddenly a man starts walking toward the main hall and Y/N gasps. It's Langston, the man who had the burns in the quarantine ward. His skin is almost completely back to normal.

She leans over to Clarke and whispers. "I'm going to medical."

Clarke looks up. "I thought-"

"Only patients are allowed. But I still have this." She holds up her arm where a bandage covers her stitches from when she cut her arm."

Clarke shakes her head. "Y/N-"

"I'm finding a way out of here. Either come with me, or stay here with our friends. I need to find Bellamy."

Clarke sighs. "You really like him, don't you?"

Y/N shakes her head. "I love him."

Clarkes eyes widen. The only man Y/N has ever loved was Wells. She nods. "Okay... i'm with you. Finn might still be out there."

Y/N nods and stands. "Meet me at the dorm."

Y/N walks to the dorm, smiling gently at a few Mount Weather citizens on the way there. She has to get out of here. She just hopes her friends will realize that something is wrong with this place. And soon.

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