Chapter 23) Bomb

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Finn quickly exits the drop ship and makes his way to Ravens tent, where Jasper and Bellamy are talking to her.

He walks in as Ravens speaking. "We need as many rounds done by dawn as we can."

"It won't matter if there's no one left who can shoot. What do we need to build a bomb?" He says.

Raven turns to look at him. "Depends on what you're trying to blow up."

"How about a bridge?"

Bellamy cocks his head. "What are you talking about?"

"Murphy says he crossed a bridge on his way back here from the Grounders' camp. Sound familiar?"

Bellamy nods. "Yeah. So what?"

"So the virus is fast. He's already getting better. Blowing the bridge won't stop the attack, but the longer we can delay it, the more of us will be able to fight."

"Even if Murphy is telling the truth-- and that's a big if-- that bridge has survived a nuclear war and ninety-seven years of weather." Bellamy says crossing his arms.

Raven has a look on her face that makes it clear she has an idea. "It won't survive me."
Later, after a trip back to the Exodus crash site, Raven is back in her tent finishing up the making of their weapon.

"Okay, you can come in now."

Bellamy and Finn enter cautiously. Raven pops out at Bellamy. "Boom!"

He huffs. "Cute."

Raven sits and shows the components. "Relax. It needs an accelerant-- gunpowder. Container of hydrazine. Put the gunpowder around the hydrazine. Hit the bull's-eye... Win a prize."

Bellamy nods as he takes it in. "It's the rest of our gunpowder. Won't be able to make any more bullets."

"Tonight we need a bomb. We can worry about bullets tomorrow." Finn says.

"If we do this and it doesn't work, we'll all be dead tomorrow."

"Then let's make sure it works. To be safe, you need to be at least two hundred feet away to make the shot." Raven tells Bellamy.

"No problem. Which one of you plants the bomb?"

There's silence. Finn finally answers. "I will."

"You won't pick up a gun, but blowing people up, that you're okay with?" Bellamy asks.

"We're blowing up a bridge. There's not gonna be any people on it."

Bellamy sighs. "Finn, we have one bomb. We need to use it to kill as many of those bastards as possible."

Finn rolls his eyes. "But they don't know we only have one bomb. If we did, why would we waste it on the bridge? I'm talking about deterrents, peace through strength."

"The appearance of strength, you mean." Raven says.

Bellamy takes another breath. "Men who built the A-bomb thought they were peacemakers, too. How'd that work out for them?"

Before anyone can speak, blood drips from Bellamy's nose. Raven stands quickly. "Don't touch anything."

Bellamy reaches up and wipes the blood, cursing under his breath.

Finn looks at the two. "Who else can take the shot?"

Bellamy narrows his eyes. "Appreciate the concern. Make sure the bomb is packed and ready to go in ten minutes." He exits the tent and finds Jasper sitting around talking to a few teens. "Jasper." He ushers him over.

Jasper takes a hesitant step forward, noticing the blood on his face. "Hi. You want me to go with you to the bridge again?"

"I need you to take the shot."

Jasper nods. "I can do that."

"If you miss.. if the bridge doesn't blow, we're all dead."

"Hey, why me? I mean, you've got twenty shooters." He pauses. "I'm the only one not sick."

Bellamy purses his lips. "Don't miss."
Octavia is giving a glass of water to Clarke when Bellamy enters the drop ship, coughing. "Bellamy? Oh no." She gets up to help him lay down.

He looks at her. "I'm scared."

She nods. "I won't let anything happen to you. I promise."

Y/N wakes up to her own coughing. Murphy helps her lean over to spit up some of the blood. She sits up and thanks him. He nods once. She looks down at the floor and sees Bellamy.


He just barely moves his head at that and she quickly tries getting out of the hammock. Murphy reaches his arm out and helps her down. She gives him a small smile as she rushes to Bellamy's side.

"Hi princess." He coughs out.

She sighs. "Hi. Are you okay?"

He shrugs his shoulders slowly. She gets a wet cloth and dabs the side of his face. He grabs her hand and holds it. "I'm glad you're okay." He whispers.

She smiles but says nothing. He continues. "When you fell-"

She shushes him gently. "I'm fine. Don't worry about me."

He smirks before coughing again. "It's my job."

She rolls her eyes and hands him a blanket. "Get some rest."

She starts to stand but he pulls her back. "Stay?" He whispers.

She sighs, sitting down next to him. "Okay... i'll stay."

He smiles. "Thanks princess."
When he wakes up, he's surprised to see Y/N still sitting next to him. Murphy walks over to hand him a glass of water but Bellamy sits up and pushes it away. "Get the hell away from me."

"Bellamy, you're sick. i'm just trying to help."

Y/N gently takes the glass from Murphy. "It's okay." He sighs and nods before walking away.

"Feeling better?" She asks handing it to Bellamy.

He nods. "You?" She nods too.

"Octavia is asleep. She was up all night helping people. Murphy gave her a break." She tells him before he can ask.

He lowers his voice. "You trust him now?"

She shakes her head. "No. I do believe in second chances though."

He sighs. "It's almost dawn. Better get everyone inside. If we lock the doors, maybe the Grounders will think we're not home."

"Not everyone is sick."

He rubs his eye. "Sick is better than dead."

She reads his face. "You don't think Finn and Jasper are gonna pull it off."

He bites the inside of his cheek. "Do you?"

She takes a deep breath. "I'll get everyone inside."

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