Chapter 41) Heal

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"We have to stop the bleeding and get the bullet out." Y/N says.

The four of them managed to get Lincoln into different restraints, on the floor of the dropship.

"Hold his leg down." Clarke says.

Bellamy holds down Lincoln's leg as Octavia tries giving him a sip of water.

He reacts violently, causing Octavia to yelp, and back away.

Bellamy and Y/N glance at each other.

"I'll get some more." Octavia says, avoiding their gaze as she stands up.

"O, once the drug is out of his system he'll be ok." Bellamy tells her.

"You can't protect me from this one, big brother." With that, she climbs down the ladder.

Clarke and Bellamy hold down Lincoln's leg, yet again as Y/N manages to get the bullet out, causing the man to scream in agony.

She starts to wrap his leg when Bellamy speaks softly. "Your mom would be proud."

"My mom would know how to save him."

The hatch to their level of the ship opens and Octavia climbs in, looking at them slightly nervous.

A grounder man follows behind her.

Bellamy immediately stands in front of Y/N, grabbing a gun and holding it up.

Clarke backs away.

Octavia stands in front of the man. "Bellamy, don't. He's Lincoln's friend and their healer."

Bellamy doesn't falter. Suddenly Lincoln's body begins jerking around and Y/N crouches beside him.

"He's seizing again." She says.

Bellamy hesitates before nodding at the grounder man.

He crouches near Y/N and opens a small collection of various bottles.

It looks similar to the pack Lincoln had when they first captured him after he stabbed Finn.

The man picks out a bottle.

"What is that?" Clarke asks.

He doesn't answer. "Yu gomplei stey odon." He says to Lincoln who is still seizing, as he tries dropping the liquid into his mouth.

Y/N suddenly holds her hand out, catching the droplet before it can reach her friend. "Wait."

The man pulls out a knife, making eye contact with her.

Bellamy aims his gun at his head. "Back off, right now."

Y/N repeats the phrase under her breath before looking at her sister. "It's what they say before death."

She looks over at Octavia. "He's not trying to heal him. He's trying to kill him."

Octavia grinds her teeth. "Nyko. Is it true?"

"Yes. Death is the only way."

"Hold on. There could be a way to bring him back." Y/N says.

"None that I've ever seen." Nyko says.

Suddenly a voice is heard from the open hatch. "We have to go. The camps leaving."

All eyes whip around to see Finn.

Nyko's face fills with pure rage as he jumps up. "You!"

He shouts something in Trigedasleng before gripping Finn by the collar of his jacket and pinning him against the wall.

"Get off him!" Bellamy shouts.

"You slaughtered my people. Elders. Children. Innocents." Nyko says angrily, wrapping his fingers around Finns throat.

"Nyko, you're killing him." Octavia says.

"Blood must have blood!"

"Get out of the way." Bellamy tells his sister.

"You're not shooting him!" Octavia says.

Clarke just watches in horror as Finn gasps for air against the wall.

Y/N glances around before finding a shock baton. She picks it up and jams it against Nykos side, making him grunt in pain and fall to the floor.

Everyone goes silent for a a moment as Clarke bends down to make sure Finn is okay.

Octavia looks over at Lincoln who isn't moving.

"Lincoln?" She rushes to his side. "He's not breathing."

Y/N drops the baton and joins Octavia beside him. "His heart stopped. Move."

She does, and Y/N immediately places her hands on his chest as she starts to perform chest compressions.

Her heart is pounding and she can't think straight as everyone watches her silently.

After almost a minute, Lincoln suddenly takes a deep gasping breath.

Octavia sighs in relief, smiling at Y/N.

Nyko, who now leans against the wall, clearly still recovering from the electricity, stares at her, mouth agape. "He was dead. How did you do that?"

Y/N's eyebrows furrow. "You've tried bringing reapers back before?"

Nyko nods.

"And they died like this?" Clarke asks, glancing at her sister.

Bellamy looks at Y/N too. "What is it?"

"I know how to stop the attack." She says.
Clarke and Y/N make it back to Camp Jaha.

It's hectic. People are packing their bags. They speak loudly, panic laced in their voices.

"Mom." Clarke calls out.

Abby runs over to the two girls, followed by Jaha. "Where have you two been? We're leaving."

"We can stop the attack." Y/N says.

"What are you talking about?" Jaha asks her.

She looks at him and immediately thinks of Wells. Her heart aches as she shakes away the image of her ex boyfriend that hangs in her mind.

"We haven't negotiated with the grounders because we haven't had anything to offer them. The biggest threat they face is from the reapers."

Abby and Jaha exchange looks as she continues.

"I think we may be able to eliminate that threat for them once and for all."

"How?" Her mother asks.

"Abby. You can't seriously-" Jaha starts.

Suddenly a woman shouts. "Over there!"

In the distance, past the fence, a single torch is lit up.

Then another. Then another. Then another.

Hundreds of torches now light up the dark hills.

"They're here." Jaha mumbles.
A.N: I'm back bitches :)

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