All that Remains

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Six Months Later

Six people were walking through Georgia's backwoods. Winter had been rough and the pickings slim, but they had survived as things got easier through spring.

Lee survived his bite, thanks to Y/N's quick thinking and he and Carley were happily together. Christa was now showing, at least six months pregnant, it was hard to keep track anymore.

Clementine found herself feeling happy most days. It had been hard at first, she mourned her parents terribly. Having Lee and Carley helped a lot. They had become a mom and dad to her, Omid and Christa like an aunt and uncle. Sure life was tough, they always had to be on guard, but they'd never gone hungry. Thanks to him. The only thing that worried her apart from wandering walkers and the occasional group they would happen across was him.

He was always there of course. He always protected the group. He always kept them fed- deer, rabbit, skunk, shrew, raccoon, opossum- whatever he could hunt and they could eat was gratefully accepted. When they ran across farms, or small towns, or even campsites he would go on ahead to assess the risk. He would often return with supplies. Sometimes he would be covered in blood. Nobody asked questions.

He had changed though since they left Savannah.  Since they had lost Kenny. Grown quieter. Colder. He saw every person as a threat. He would tell Clementine over and over:

"It's the living you gotta watch out for"

She nodded in agreement. After she had been taken. After surviving that madman. She had learnt her lesson. She had always trusted Y/N, but it was much deeper now. The things he had done, had endured, all for her. She knew even if he didn't know how to express it verbally, his actions more than showed how much he cared for her.

Y/N's hand had scarred after he fought through the herd- a thick long line now extended across his left hand, from under his Pinky to his thumb. At night when he wasn't on guard duty Clementine would snuggle up to him for warmth. She would lay with her back to his chest, his arms wrapped round her, and she would run her finger along his scar as she played with his hands.

It made her feel happy and safe and warm all at the same time.

The group were currently outside a rest stop of some kind. It had two outside toilets, males and females, and a small shop around the side.

Y/N had gone ahead, as usual, to check it out. In the early days after Savannah, Lee and Omid would argue and insist on coming with Y/N. They knew better than that now.

As the four adults and Clementine waited Omid and Christa were having yet another argument.

"What do you think?" He asked happily.

"Omid, you cant be serious?" Christa replied with a furrowed brow.

"I am"

"We are not doing that" Christa replied fiercely as Carley and Lee chuckled.

"Why not? Come on Christa, what's wrong with Omid?" Omid asked with a chuckle.

"You can't call your baby Omid" Carley laughed.

"I think Christa having one of you is enough" Lee chuckled as well, his stump around Clementine's back as she sat next to him happily.

"Thank you" Christa replied before they turned to look at Y/N returning, crossbow in his arms.

"How's it look?" Lee asked the stone faced boy.

"And more importantly what do you think of naming the baby Omid?" Omid piped up.

Y/N stared at him momentarily before shifting his attention back to the rest of the group.

"Shop don't look too bad. May find some food and water in there. We could barricade the doors at night if you want to stop for a couple of days. Rest..." he trailed off as he looked at a pregnant Christa attempting to get to her feet.

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