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Clementine struggled against the person who grabbed her, waiting for a chomp in the neck before she heard "stop" in her ear.

Rebecca released her and Clementine turned and hugged the pregnant woman. She whispered:

"Thank god you're ok, Rebecca. I lost everyone else."

"What do we do? Luke was with me, but... I-- I can't do this alone" Rebecca replied in a panic.

"Hey, you're not alone and I won't leave you" Clementine replied quietly but firmly.

Rebecca smiled and said thanks. They quickly noticed Jane walking passed and called out to her, Jane replying:

"Stop. Relax. You need to walk... slowly. You'll be fine."

"I can't do this. You have to help us, please" Rebecca responded.

"We can't clump together like this. It's better if we spread out. You two will be fine" Jane replied.

"Forget it. Just go. I'll help Rebecca" Clementine snapped.

Jane began walking off before she sighed and returned to the pair:

"We need to make a cow catcher"

"Just tell me what to do" Clementine said with genuine intent.

"There, that one" Jane said, pointing to a walker. "I'll get behind her, you get her attention."

Clementine nodded and did so, Jane quickly taking the walker's jaw off with her knife.

"Stay close" she said, pushing the walker from behind, knocking any other stragglers out of her way.


The three walked for about half an hour before they were finally in the clear. They stopped to give Rebecca a break when she turned to Clementine.

"Clem, what did Y/N mean by save lots? You nodded and Kenny looked really upset."

A similar look of sadness grew on Clementine's face, Rebecca apologising before Clementine smiled sadly.

"Right at the beginning, Kenny found Y/N. He had been hit in the head and was being chased by walkers. Kenny saved him. We ended up in the same group. Some things happened and there was this group from the save lots not too far away. They were bad people. Y/N wanted to go and kill them, but other people in our group talked him out of it."

Rebecca and Jane both looked shocked, Clementine wiped her eyes and continued:

"They attacked us, and Kenny's son got bit. Kenny's wife killed herself and Y/N had to give Kenny's son mercy. He's always blamed himself. He won't admit it but I know he has."

"So when he said he doesn't take chances anymore-"

Clem nodded at Rebecca and answered nonchalantly:

"Y/N will kill everyone at Howes. They're probably already dead."


The three had walked and stopped throughout the night, and once free had found a stream and washed the walker guts off themselves.

It was morning and the three had nearly reached the agreed upon meeting point. Clementine noticed Rebecca falling behind and stopped.

"Are you ok?" Clementine asked sadly.

"No, sweety. I'm not. But I'll be a lot better once we get with the others.  I need to make sure everyone else made it out. Luke, Sarah, Kenny... Goddamn it, what if they aren't there?"

The Walking Dead Season 2Where stories live. Discover now