I Already Made You a Promise

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It was almost night time and had been a long and sad day. The group were all sat round the fire talking about the plan for the most part.

Vince had taken out Russell after he reanimated, everyone fearfully giving Y/N the cold shoulder before he returned to his bed and laid down slowly, in pain, facing the wall as Clementine sat next to his bed and rubbed his back.

As the group starting discussing, Clementine left Y/N, who was lightly snoring, and sat next to Rebecca who hugged her tight.

"How's Y/N?" Rebecca asked with concern.

"Sleeping I think. He hasn't spoken since it happened."

"No offence to him, but that was messed up" Mike said, cautiously looking over at Y/N's bed. "I mean Lowell I can understand, but Russell was a good kid."

"Yeah, so good" Clementine snapped. "Look at my face, Mike" she reiterated by pointing to the red/purpling bruise on her cheek.

"He hit me with his gun and stood by doing nothing while they tortured Y/N for days. They're all gonna die, one by one. You have no idea who Y/N is!"

Silence filled the air after Clementine's rant, before Nick and Luke walked over after speaking to Bonnie through the gate.

"What did she say?" Rebecca asked as she hugged Clementine.

"She said she can get us out of the pen if we can get the PA system going. Second she hears it, she'll run over with Vince and spring us" Nick replied.

"That's great" Rebecca said with a smile before Luke spoke.

"It's not great. Look, I know part of this is my fault, I... I know. I was hungry, I got reckless tryin' to steal some food and I got caught..." Luke replied saddened.

"We can't stay here!" Clementine snapped, immediately followed up by Rebecca:

"Exactly. We have no idea how long Alvin's got before Bill just kills him. We have to leave now."

"Look, I hear what you're saying, but it's risky" Luke replied, Nick adding "It is pretty damn risky, guys."

Mike roared:

"Risky? Did you see what that son of a bitch just did? Look, the plan works. Nothing needs to change. It's all set up. The hard part is done. This guy's fucking crazy. He's tortured Y/N and Alvin, killed Reggie, beat Kenny nearly to death. Who knows what he'll do next?"

"Yeah, but now we're dealin' with a guy beat to shit, Y/N on level 9 PTSD, Sarita in no shape to do anything and I'm a goddamn mess. Look, we should rest up, okay? We should bide our time, and we should wait for an opening" Luke countered.

"Vince and Bonnie's agreeing to help us tonight."

"And that doesn't mean she can't do it some other night."

Nick decided to speak up, taking Luke's side against Mike: "I don't know, guys. Luke's makin' sense. Maybe we should wait."

"We're not waiting" Rebecca snapped.

"Ain't nothin' out there, guys. Trust me, I looked! There's no food, there's no supplies. They picked everything clean. I'm just sayin', we gotta be sensible about this" Luke replied. Just as he did Carlos walked over wiping his hands.

"Is he ok?" Clementine asked worriedly. Carlos sighed:

"His orbital is crushed. I don't think there's much hope for the eye. I got him as stable as I could, cleaned it, got some of the swelling down, bandaged it as best I could, but until he wakes up, we won't know if there's any damage to the brain."

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