On the Run

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It had been a long and painful five days. Well, it was painful for the group who were definitely not the kind of survivors to be 'out here.'

It was long for Y/N- these people were loud, they drew unnecessary walker attention, and they complained so damn much. He gave Rebecca a pass- she was pregnant after all, and she and Clem had warmed up to each other quite a lot. They talked a lot as they walked, it made Y/N happy to see Clem smiling, but it unfortunately meant he was left open to be pestered by Sarah.

She would constantly follow him and talk and talk and talk and talk. Y/N would often catch Clem glancing over at the pair of them- she must have been able to see the frustration on Y/N's face, but Clem wore an expression that was very difficult for Y/N to interpret.


The group had finished eating, Y/N had caught a raccoon and they all ate, despite Sarah's protests at eating such an 'icky' animal.

"Don't think, eat" Y/N said as he tore the cooked flesh from a leg bone: "or go hungry. But do it quietly."


Not long after heading off again the group had came to a bridge, high in the mountains. They were currently back a fair distance, watching it apprehensively.

With Pete gone Luke had stepped up in a leadership position of the group, and much to Nick's annoyance, had quickly looked to Y/N as his second.

Alvin mostly stayed in the background, tending to Rebecca, while Carlos and Nick offered a lot of, usually dumb, suggestions.

Luke was examining a map of the area as the others sat on some rocks, exhausted. The exception was Clementine who had climbed up on a tree branch and was checking out the bridge with binoculars, and Y/N who was sharpening his knife.

"See anything?" Luke asked as Clementine continued to scan the horizon.

"She better see something we've been walking for a week" Alvin grumbled.

"We've been walking for two years. You get used to it" Y/N replied as he stroked the makeshift whetstone down his blade. He could feel Sarah's eyes boring into him but ignored it, his ears perking up as Clem began to speak:

"The bridge looks passable enough. Can't see anyone near it, but there's a little house right next to it."

"How big is it?" Carlos yelled out. Y/N looked up from his blade and said straight faced:

"You heard her say little, right?"

Luke chuckled as Carlos scowled and looked down embarrassed.

"There's a lift or something too" Clem yelled out.

"Like a chair lift? That must be the ski lodge" Luke said with a smile as Y/N sheathed his blade and helped Clem down.

"I've never been skiing" Clementine smiled to Y/N as he gently took hold of her waist to help her to the ground.

"Bec and I went once" Alvin smiled.

"It wasn't pretty" Rebecca laughed.

"There was a really big building at the top of the mountain" Clem smiled as she brushed her hands off, placed the binoculars in her backpack, and after glancing at Sarah, took Y/N's hand in hers, smiling up at him as a small smile was returned to her. Clementine's heart fluttered as Y/N instinctively accepted her hand, their fingers interlocking.

"We have to cross that bridge. Let's go" Carlos said as he stood and brushed his hands.

"Hold on, now. We can't all go sprinting across that thing, okay? If we get spotted out there, we're gonna be trapped." Luke replied, holding his hands up to hold Carlos back. Luke quickly turned to Y/N and asked him:

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