Hard Decisions

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Clementine was furious as she walked back to the group. First Jane and then Luke. Why were they against Y/N all of a sudden? She muttered to herself angrily as she arrived back at the fountain. She heard Rebecca panicking as she approached:

"I'm not supposed to be in labor yet, Kenny. What if something's wrong?"

"Nothing's wrong. Babies know how to be born" Kenny said with warmth in his voice. Rebecca looked up pained but smiled, remarking:

"Clementine!" as the girl approached.

"Is everything ok?" Clementine asked as she looked at the distress Rebecca was in.

"Rebecca's water broke" Sarah replied quickly from the other side of Rebecca where she sat, rubbing the pregnant lady's back.

"You have any luck darlin'?" Kenny asked with a strained smile, the loss of Sarita weighing heavily against him.

"The building around back has an observation deck and a gift ship up high. Somewhere safe for the baby, and there's this."

Clementine smiled as she held out the bottle of painkillers.

"OxyContin? Where'd you get these?" Kenny asked in shock.

"It's uh... complicated" Clementine replied nervously.

"I don't care, you are my favourite person" Rebecca replied as she grabbed the bottle and opened it, swallowing two tablets quickly.

"How are you feeling?" Clem asked with a sympathetic smile.

"Scared. And it hurts. I wish Alvin was here" Rebecca replied sadly.

"Everything Alvin did was for you and the baby. Back at Carver's, in the office, he stayed behind to stop the people chasing us. He died to keep us safe" Clementine replied as she rubbed Rebecca's shoulder.

"Jesus. Of course. Of course he did. I know it's a waste of time, but I can't stop thinking about things I should've said to him... Things I should've talked to him about. How am I ever gonna do this without him?"

"You're going to be a good mom. And you've got us, Rebecca- me, Kenny, Sarah, Luke, Y/N. You won't be doing this alone."

Kenny smiled at Clem's words, adding: "You Goddamn right. As soon as Mike and Bonnie are back we'll go. If Y/N's not back by then we'll get Luke to-"

"They're back now and look-" Clementine said pointing at Mike who was carrying two large sealed water containers.

"They're back now and look-" Clementine said pointing at Mike who was carrying two large sealed water containers

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"Oh shit good find guys. Now we just gotta... SHIT!" Kenny yelled, his eyes opening wide. The horde had reached them, and there was a lot.

"Shit! Walkers!" Bonnie panicked.

"How'd they get that close without anyone seeing 'em? The hell's Luke?" Mike added.

"Fuck! Clem, you lead the others to the visitor centre! Mike you get that water there. Bonnie, Sarah, you two help Rebecca. I'll buy you time!" Kenny roared as he walked towards the approaching walkers.

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