Shoot Out

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A/N: There is some language in this chapter that isn't exactly PC. It's used as it fits the character and his socio-economic/educational level, but I'm not advocating for its use, merely trying to present an authentic story. Rant over, enjoy.

A single bullet shot through the forehead of the reanimated Rebecca. Luke yelled "No!"

In an instant all hell broke loose. Mike grabbed his shoulder and yelled "I'm hit", Bonnie dragging him behind a large boulder, on the edge of the forest.

The non-tattooed Russian was on the other side of the boulder firing at Y/N. Y/N had fired both guns instantly, hitting the woman, Natasha, in the chest but missing Arvo as he dodged the return fire from Natasha.

Y/N had then jumped behind a tree, poking out to fire at the Russian who was firing at him.

"Я убью тебя, ублюдок" the man screamed at Y/N.

"English motherfucker!" Y/N yelled back as he fired.

"I kill you. I kill all you motherfuckers!" the man replied.

Clementine had hit the floor covering her head when the shooting started. She looked up to see Arvo attempting CPR on the woman, screaming and crying; Y/N pinned down firing back and forth with one of the men and to her horror AJ laying on the ground, bundled up and crying. She suddenly heard Luke screaming to her:

"Clem get to cover. Clem you gonna get chewed up out there!"

Behind Clementine Kenny was behind the other small wall, the same side as Luke but on the other side of an opening to the field, exchanging gun fire with the tattoo faced Russian who was pulling himself backwards on the ground, firing at Kenny while bleeding profusely from a gunshot wound to his leg.

"What are you doing?" Luke yelled as Clementine jumped up quickly and ran over towards Rebecca's corpse. She scooped up AJ and bolted, quickly making it behind the cover of the wall near Kenny.

"Fuck! I didn't even see him out there!" Luke said with a large smile, adding:

"Great job, Clem!"

Clementine hushed and shh'd a terrified baby AJ, desperately trying to reassure the tiny bubba as Kenny yelled:

"Fuck I'm out of ammo. He's gonna get the drop on Y/N if we don't keep him pinned down.

Luke suddenly shot up, running over to try and reach Kenny and Clem before screaming in pain as he was shot in the leg.

Bonnie screamed "Luke, No!" Kenny dragged him behind cover and as the tattoo faced man aimed his gun at Kenny and Luke he quickly dropped, Y/N looking over just in time and shooting him in the head.

This angered the lone surviving Russian even more as he roared in Russian, firing at Y/N again rapidly, Y/N yelling "Fuck!" and pulling behind cover.

"Y/N!" Clementine screamed as she saw in horror from her vantage point Y/N grab the side of his neck, blood splurging out before she watched in equal parts shock and disbelief as Y/N yelled "Fuck this!" and quickly rushed over, ripping Arvo up by the hair and shoving his gun into the teens temple as he yelled:

"You get out here, or I put a bullet in this cunt's fucking head!"

"What are you doing?" Bonnie yelled.

"Ending this!" Y/N yelled back.

Arvo suddenly began fighting and thrashing, trying to get out of Y/N's grip as he yelled between Russian and English.

"My sister" were the only words Y/N could decipher as he suddenly saw the woman reanimate out the corner of his eye. Y/N removed the gun from Arvo's temple and shot the woman in the head.

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