We're Going to War

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Y/N and Clementine parted from the kiss as they ran out of air, both smiling sheepishly with reddening cheeks. Clementine though was right on top of Y/N again, her arms round his neck as she held him tight. We just kissed, we just kissed is all Y/N could think while Clementine whispered into his ear:

"I thought I'd lost you. I thought I'd lost you."

The two stood in the embrace, both allowing their mutual teenage feelings of love to overwhelm them after having repressed them for so long. They stood together, looked into each other's eyes and kissed again.

When breathlessness overwhelmed them they separated, a spaghetti string of saliva joining them as they touched foreheads, Y/N whispering as he regained his breath:

"I'll always come back to you. Always."

Time had seemed to stand still for the young couple before they were both surprised at the loud yell of Mal, who bellowed:

"You magnificent son of a bitch!"

as he stormed over. The two teens released their hug at the last moment as Y/N was suddenly pulled in a much tighter one from his CO.

Mal had a sudden realisation as to his outburst and quickly released Y/N, clearing his throat in embarrassment and quickly saluted his soldier.

A bewildered Y/N saluted back as Clementine giggled and Edith rolled her eyes where she stood next to Shepherd.

"G-good work soldier. Jayne filled me in, you discovered the-"

"I think that can wait love" Edith said from behind as her partner turned with a puzzled look on his face.

"I think that can wait love" Edith said from behind as her partner turned with a puzzled look on his face

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"Y/N and Jayne are both exhausted, and we've just interrupted a very special moment..."

Edith paused, looking over at Clementine who wore a grin like the cat who got the cream.

"... let's let our boys get some much needed sleep and you and the Oligarchs can talk to them in the morning, hey?" Edith suggested as she walked over and gave Y/N a tight hug.

"You did amazing, Y/N. You really did" she said before looking at the young couple as Clementine joined their hands, interlocking her fingers with Y/N's.

"AJ is out like a light, we've just left Jayne to watch him quickly but he is fine. You two go home, get some sleep and we'll all talk in the morning, hey?"

Clementine nodded, Y/N's head still spinning too much to do little more than acknowledge a 'uh-huh' as Mal and Edith headed home, Shepherd returning to lookout but stopping to add a quick:

"Congratulations both of you. I'm surprised it took this long."


Y/N was sat on the bed the now couple shared after having a much needed shower and a much more needed feed. Clementine sat next to him, still wearing the same large grin as Y/N stretched his sore back.

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