Christmas Miracle

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The group were exhausted by the time they made their long journey up the hill. As they reached a large boarded up lodge Carlos stopped at the head of the group, Luke puffing as he had been pushing Rebecca from behind, trying to help her move up the steep hill and not fall down it.

Clementine had continuously looked backwards, worried about Y/N, wondering where he could be. She had lost sight of him as he had charged at the growing horde that was crossing the bridge. She was pulled back to the present as Rebecca and Carlos broke out in an argument:

"Well? What are we waiting for?" Rebecca snapped as much as she could given how heavy she was breathing.

"We have to be careful, we don't know-"

"Careful?!?! We've been on the road for five days. My back is done bein' careful." she roared, cutting Carlos off. Before he could reply the group collectively jumped at a loud rustle from the bushes, Nick and Luke raising their guns before quickly lowering them as their mouths dropped open.

Y/N emerged from the bushes, covered in blood and viscera, his hair damp from sweat as it laced his forehead. He looked at the stunned faces staring back at him with mouths agape and asked simply:


Clementine rushed Y/N, hugging him tight and ignoring the blood that transferred to her from his clothes

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Clementine rushed Y/N, hugging him tight and ignoring the blood that transferred to her from his clothes. She squeezed him before pulling back and asking worriedly:

"No bites?"

"No bites" Y/N said with a smirk as Luke approached the pair.

"Goddamn, Y/N. You scared the hell out of us. You alright?"

Y/N nodded as the others approached, Alvin asking with wide eyes "what happened?"

"I held 'em off for as long as I could, don't even know how many I killed... thirty... forty... the bottleneck on the bridge helped but they just kept comin'. That gun shot was like a damn dinner bell. In the end I led 'em off west, hopefully they keep heading that way."

Rebecca approached Y/N with a grateful smile, nodding and holding out a bottle of water.

"Thanks, Y/N. I heard what you said, get Bec up the hill, I'll hold them off. Thank you."

Y/N nodded as Rebecca handed him the bottle:

"I didn't have a chance to boil this yet. Why don't you try and clean up a little bit, get that gunk off you?"

Y/N chuckled and said "thanks" as Luke turned to the others.

"Alright guys, why don't you check out the lodge while Y/N cleans up, and I got a special job for Clem"

The others walked off, towards the giant lodge to their right.

The others walked off, towards the giant lodge to their right

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