It's About What You Have, What We Need

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The group had been able to climb down from the roof of the mobile home and sneak away quietly. They had been walking for close to an hour through the forest when Luke asked:

"Look I hate to be that guy, but are we there yet?"

"Not far" Jane said with a chuckle as she looked over at Luke with a smile. Clementine and Sarah walked about ten feet ahead of the pair.

"They were going to leave me, weren't they" Sarah said sadly.

"They didn't want to Sarah, they were scared" Clementine replied.

"I don't know wh- Dad did everything for me. I don't know- how am I going to-"

Sarah appeared to hyperventilate, Clementine stopped and grabbed her hands.

"Hey, listen to me Sarah, I was the same at the start, but I learned too. We have Y/N. He'll help you to learn."

Sarah smiled and nodded, her eyes watering though as she thought about her dad again. Clementine looked at her sympathetically, stopping and hugging the girl tightly.


Luke caught up to the pair, wanting to see how Sarah was. Clementine dropped back, wanting to have a conversation with Jane.

"I don't know about this. The way she is... She's gonna cause problems" Jane said quietly to Clementine while looking ahead to Sarah. Clementine fired back:

"What happened in there? When we went in there you were ready to help, but then... something changed."

"Look, I'd just... I'd seen that kind of thing before. I just didn't want to stick around for the bitter end. Sorry, I... I don't mean to sound harsh. It's just the way things are."

Alarm bells rang in Clementine's head as she asked:

"Does that mean you'd turn on me? If I was hurt or something?"

"No... I mean... Clem...I wouldn't have to.
Trust me... I tried to save my sister Jaime too. But she...gave up."

"I'm sorry for your sister" Clementine replied.

"I dragged my sister across four states. And every morning, she'd say she wasn't getting up. So I'd convince her. Or push her. Or goddamn carry her, if I had to. Until this time, walkers cornered us. Forced us to the roof. And then when they kept coming, I... I couldn't make her jump. Couldn't throw her. So I tried something else. I told her she could have what she wanted. And I left her there. Jumped to the next building over by myself."

Clementine looked up and saw Jane's eyes watering.

"It killed me for a long time. But I finally realized that I'd put her on a forced march through hell, when all she really wanted was for me to let her go. Sarah was that way too..."

"Jane..." Clementine replied before Jane's voice turned cold:

"No regard for her own safety. Or ours."

"Sarah and Jaime aren't the same person. We don't know she'll end up like that."

"Come on. Let's get back to your friends" Jane sighed.


They finally got to Parker's Run, Mike looking up at them happily:

"Son of a bitch. You found 'em!"

"Yeah, I'm a little amazed myself, to tell you the truth. If it weren't for Clem and Jane, well... I don't know what would've happened" Luke smiled.

Rebecca, with the help of Bonnie and Kenny, walked over to the group.

"Sarah, how are you doing honey?"

The Walking Dead Season 2Where stories live. Discover now