Violence Will Ensue

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The last two months had passed quickly. Y/N had fallen easily into the regimented service with the Gamma patrol. His place had been questioned by many outside the squad, given his age, but through his training and diligence he had earned the respect of any who encountered him in Wellington.

Clementine had settled into domestic life joyfully. Despite only being thirteen she had flourished as a surrogate mother to AJ, as Y/N had a surrogate father. She delighted in seeing Y/N and AJ's faces light up when Y/N would return home each evening. Her feelings for him had done nothing but escalate in their new lives of domestic bliss.

During the day Clementine and AJ would go sit with Edith when she was on guard duty, and Edith would come over on her days off. The two had grown incredibly close, Edith taking Clementine under her wing maternally as Mal had paternally with Y/N, though in a much stricter way as his Commanding Officer.

The pair had also grown very close to Shepherd Book, their next door neighbour. He was a kind and genuine man, and he was full of admiration for the two young teens who were raising a baby together despite being babies themselves in his eyes.


Mal was walking through the large joint military warehouse of Wellington checking off the last bits and pieces of today's mission. Although each brigade had their own mess halls, all equipment was stored jointly in the largest warehouse in town.

The captain approached Wash with a smile as Wash finished his last check offs on the Ocelot, the military vehicle the Gamma patrol used.

It was the only vehicle of its type Wellington had managed to salvage, and as the Gamma patrol was known as the Wreckers, with four members formally serving in the armed forces, they got claims to it

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It was the only vehicle of its type Wellington had managed to salvage, and as the Gamma patrol was known as the Wreckers, with four members formally serving in the armed forces, they got claims to it. The Wreckers were sent out by Wellington when something potentially lucrative, but potentially dangerous, was discovered. Alpha Patrol and Beta Patrol searched the furthest out, and when a possible old world settlement was discovered the Wreckers were sent in to investigate.

Today's examination though had more nerves up then usual. A town had been spotted by Bravo patrol. An extra large one. An extra large one that looked untouched.

The reason being for the nerves was it was on the borders of Reaver territory. Mal tried to not think about it as he asked his driver:

"We all good on the checks for old Serenity, Wash?"

Wash chuckled at the nickname Mal had given the Ocelot. The car was the only bit of peace the gruff former marine had found in the apocalypse, apart from Edith of course.

"We're good my end, sir. As long as the breaks hold up then-"

"Wh-wa-What? What's wrong with the breaks?" Mal asked angered.

"Uh, Kaylee's checking, could be interesting if they go" Wash answered as he poked a bug that was crawling on the engine.

"Define interesting?" Mal asked somewhat flustered. Wash looked up and chuckled:

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