Settling In

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Y/N and Clementine followed Edith into the settlement, Y/N turning and watching as the large gates closed behind them. They had finally made it. A settlement. Walls. But Kenny was now gone again, forever, and what of these warnings and dangers that Edith was referring to?

As Y/N and Clementine came round a corner from a boulevard of mostly heavily armed men and women the settlement opened to what looked like a city/town. Some buildings were pre existing, some were somewhat ramshackled, others seemed to be modified from shipping containers.

Clementine looked around happily- she hadn't seen this many people for years, not since the rise of the Walkers. There must have been hundreds of people in the settlement, possibly even a thousand. They entered a large two story building that had a number of guards at the door.

"This is our medical centre, we need you to both be checked, well all three of you. We have a male and a female doctor for you both, and while you're in there I'll get you both some new clothes" Edith smiled.


Y/N was sat in shorts, having showered and his clothes having been taken by a nice lady named Claire to be washed. A man in a white coat walked in, smiling to Y/N as he did.

"Hi, Y/N Dixon right? My name is Simon Tam and I'm one of the doctors here at Wellington" the man smiled as he shook Y/N's hand

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"Hi, Y/N Dixon right? My name is Simon Tam and I'm one of the doctors here at Wellington" the man smiled as he shook Y/N's hand. It quickly faded as he looked at Y/N's battle scared body- the scar along his cheek, the round bullet hole on his shoulder, the thick scar on his left hand and of course the bright pink MINE that sat visibly across his abdomen.

"Well there's clearly no bite, but that... it looks very recent, Y/N. Can I ask, uh...?" Simon stammered. Y/N replied calmly:

"I was tortured by a psychopath, Doc. We were held prisoner by him and his people."

Simon looked at Y/N shocked, before finally sighing as he examined the scar tissue which was beginning to heal.

"I'm sorry. The world has truly gone to shit" Simon said as he listened to Y/N's heartbeat and started to take his blood pressure.

"No need to be. I got my payback" Y/N said calmly as he yawned.


The medical had taken about half an hour, clothes arriving for Y/N which he changed into- jeans, a shirt and a jumper that was tight fitting. Y/N didn't like feeling constricted so instantly rolled the sleeves up at the elbow. He walked out to find Clem already sat waiting for him, showered and changed as well in jeans and a purple jumper. She was holding AJ with a big smile on her face, their duffel bag next to her on the floor.

"Hey you" Y/N smiled as he sat, taking AJ from Clementine who beamed and replied "hey" back, blushing as she looked at the jumper tight against Y/N's torso, his arms and muscles looking somewhat bulgy through the tight fabric. Clem felt a bright hue break across her cheeks as Y/N's next words made her break out in an unexpectedly massive smile.

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