The Torture of Y/N

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A/N: Just a warning, this one is extreme.

Clementine had taken a while to fall asleep, worried sick about Y/N and where he could be. She was suddenly woken in the morning, not by Y/N gently whispering to her like he did every morning, not by Bonnie gently shaking her like the previous morning, but by Troy kicking her in the stomach.

Clementine looked up at him furious and snapped:

"Don't kick me. It's rude! Where's Y/N?"

"Get up. Bill wants a word" Troy snapped back, ignoring Clementine's words. She got up and walked over to the others who were being stood in front of Carver at gunpoint- Bonnie, Tavia, Vince and Wyatt being joined by Troy in pointing AK47s at the prisoners.

"Good morning. I trust you're all enjoying your new home? There's been increased walker activity along the fence, so be mindful when outside the walls. The herd's moved a little closer as of this morning, but that still doesn't necessarily mean we'll be hit. Know we're monitoring the-"

"Where's Y/N?" Clementine asked loudly.

Bill glared at her, Sarita gently grabbed her arm at the side at the same time Bonnie attempted to signal Clem with her eyes to be silent. Bill continued:

"As I said we are monitoring the situation. Now some folks may be sore about what happened but-"

"Where's Y/N?" Clementine asked again, glaring at Carver as she did.

"That's it, come here girl" Carver snapped, death glaring the girl.

"She didn't mean nothing, she's just-"

"Quiet Bec, unless you want one of what she's about to get" Carver snapped. Clem walked forward fearlessly, staring into Carver's eyes.

"What did you say girlie?" Bill asked.


Clem was cut off as Bill reached back and in one hard slap knocked her to the ground. Clementine cried out in pain, but still glared up with hatred at Bill, even as she bled from the side of her mouth.

"You motherf-"

Kenny had charged but was quickly met with a gun to the temple from Troy, sending him crashing to the ground.

Carver glared down at Clementine, an evil grin on his face as he began speaking again:

"When I grew up, my family lived on a big stable. My father trained horses for rich assholes so they could turn up and ride perfect model ponies. Most of the time it was an easy job, but every now and then there was a very special beast that came along. These beasts were usually the best- the fastest, the strongest, but they were also the most stubborn and wild. They had to be broken down, until they knew who owned them. That boy is the same. He's gonna be my greatest asset, a cold blooded killer like him. He just needs breaking first. Work out who owns him now."

Carver finished with a sadistic chuckle.

"You fucking son of a bitch" Kenny snapped, still trying to get back to his feet.

"Hurry up and get to work" Carver barked before he turned and left.

"You ok darling?" Kenny asked before Troy yelled at him to fucking move.

"You're with me. You too Reggie, Sarah. You need to learn to keep your fucking mouth shut" Tavia said as she glared at Clementine. Sarah held her hand out to help Clementine up before they heard yelling from inside the main building.

Tavia ran in, the two girls following as they looked up at Carver's office window in shock. Y/N was stood there with one of Carver's men, Lowell. Y/N looked terrible, his face and chest purple and bruised, but all Carver was worried about what the large knife Y/N had at Lowell's throat.

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