You Don't Kill Dogs!

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Y/N was pushing himself forward as fast as he could. His Clemmy was alive. His Clemmy was alive!

He ignored the burning in his legs, the exhaustion, the hunger, he just had to see her.

He followed the path and came to a disused campsite. He saw her, sitting there, talking to a dog about twenty yards away.

"You want some too, Sam?"

"Clem... Clem..." Y/N tried to yell but his throat was far too raspy. He hadn't drank for hours, despite his proximity to the river. His focus had been solely on finding her.

He could see what was about to happen in slow motion. He rushed forward, summing up in the moment he didn't have time to get his crossbow off, he didn't have a clear shot.

"Hey don't eat it all!"

He pushed himself as fast as he could, pulling his knife as he heard a growl and bark. He leapt forward with all his remaining strength.


Sam leapt at Clementine as she closed her eyes and flinched, aware she was knocked backwards to the ground and feeling a pain in her shoulder as she landed on a rock. She heard a stabbing, groan of pain, a yelp.

She opened her eyes in shock. Y/N was here, his arm cut badly, bleeding from the savage bite Sam had laid on him that had been intended for her, Sam was laying with Y/N's knife sticking out of his neck.

"Ahh ahh fuck" Y/N exclaimed raspily in severe pain. He had thrown himself between Clementine and the dog, knocking Clementine to the ground. His left arm had been outstretched, taking the dog's bite. His right arm had stabbed down into the dog's neck, killing it instantly. Clementine regained her senses and went from overwhelmingly happy to horrified in only moments:

"Y/N, you're alive! You found me! Your arm! Oh no, are you ok?"

She screamed, panicked as Y/N pulled his knife one handed and wiped the blood on the dog before resheathing it on his belt. He was aware of the intense pain in his badly bleeding arm as he tried to stand but fell backwards into the log. He held his left arm at the elbow as he smiled and said "hey Clemmy" raspily to the girl who was hugging him and sobbing.

"How did you find me?" Clementine asked through her tears as she leant back from the hug.

"Chased you. Tracked you down the river. Killed four of 'em but the one chasing the others got away. We gotta try and find them Clem, we- ahh!"

Y/N had tried to stand but mistakenly pushed off his injured arm, roaring in pain as more blood splurted out.

Clementine rushed over, panicking as she tried to help Y/N to his feet.

"We need to find some shelter Y/N, and food, and a way to stitch your arm."

Y/N chuckled as he pushed himself to his feet as Clementine helped lift him and asked:

"What's so funny?"

"I just killed us some breakfast Clem, we just need to find-"

Y/N was cut off by the inevitable moans of the dead. They had heard the commotion in the dog attack and were approaching the overrun campsite, quickly.

"Come on we gotta go, I can't fight like this" Y/N said raspily as the effects of no sleep, no food, no water, no rest and a bleeding arm took affect.

Y/N stood up with a grunt, pulling his crossbow down one armed. He fired off the bow that was loaded, groaning in pain trying to hold it steady with his bitten arm. His strength failed at the last moment, the arrow firing into an oncoming walker's chest.

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