Separations and Ominous Visitations

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Y/N raced through the thick forest, best he could, chasing after the giant child known as Nick. More and more walkers emerged from the brush as Y/N finally caught up to him.

"They're everywhere. They're everywhere" Nick yelled in a panic.

"We're gonna have to go back to back and fight our way through" Y/N replied, stabbing another walker in the side of the head. Nick began to fret and panic more, smacking a walker with the butt of his rifle before yelling:


and running off.

"Fuck sake!" Y/N yelled in anger, killing another walker and kicking another back before chasing after Nick again.

Y/N made to the door and slammed it behind him, groaning with effort as he dragged a heavy bench over to the entranceway as walkers already began to try and force their way in.

"You gonna fucking help?" He yelled as Nick sat down in the corner, just quietly looking at his feet.

"Are you fucking listening?" Y/N roared, using more debris within the old shed to block the only entrance. He continued to get no response back.

"Fine just sit there. Useless cunt!" Y/N snapped again, pushing a heavy barrel against the bench, satisfied it would hold for the time being. He climbed on another bench, looking out the high window.

"Fucking looks like there's a lot out there. Too many to make a stand without getting blocked in. Why the fuck did you run in here and not back to the house?" Y/N asked, glaring at Nick as he did.

"There was walkers and-"

"There's always fucking walkers. That's no excuse to get yourself fucking trapped! I'm guessing Pete and Luke are the only reason you lived so fucking long!"

Nick didn't answer as Y/N looked around the shed for anything he could use. His eyes fell on a shelf of jars and then to a contraption next to it.

 His eyes fell on a shelf of jars and then to a contraption next to it

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"That's a still" Nick said as Y/N walked over and peered into the top.

"I know what it is" Y/N replied, feeling relieved it was empty. At least he didn't have to worry about the shed blowing up while they were in it.

"The fuck you do" Nick muttered.

"Cunt of an old man used to run moonshine outta the club headquarters. Made me help from time to time" Y/N replied. He opened one of the jars and sniffed, instantly his nose and eyes overwhelmed with the aroma of bootleg booze.

"And is that moonshine?" Nick asked.

"Whiskey" Y/N replied as he screwed the lid back on the jar. He walked back over to the bench to look out the window but stopped when Nick got up and went over to the shelf, picking up a jar and taking a sip.

"What are you fuckin' doin'?" Y/N asked aggressively, instantly angered.

"Having a drink" Nick replied as he drank again, before holding the jar out to Y/N and adding: "Drink with me."

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