Not a fucking bite!

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Y/N's eyes fluttered open as the world began to spin before he were able to focus. Muffled voices could be heard that began to become clearer as Y/N was suddenly aware he was laying on the ground, his head propped up on Clementine's lap. He was automatically acutely aware he had a tremendous pain in his left arm.

"..... they could be working for Carver"

"I told you we don't know any Carver..."

Y/N looked up at Clementine's chin as he said weakly:

"Cl... Clemmy..."

"Y/N!!! You're awake!!!" Clementine roared in unbridled joy, causing the strangers around to jump at her sudden yells of excitement. She leant down squeezing Y/N's head tightly as tears of relief leaked from her eyes.

"I thought you were dead... I thought you were dead" she whimpered, eliciting a smile from the older man, Pete, who had rescued the pair in the woods.

Three other people were arguing with him about what to do. Clementine had gathered from their arguments two of them were named Alvin and Rebecca and were married.

 Clementine had gathered from their arguments two of them were named Alvin and Rebecca and were married

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The other was named Nick and had a rifle pointed straight at them.

Clementine leant back as Y/N shifted to push himself up with his right, non-bitten, arm

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Clementine leant back as Y/N shifted to push himself up with his right, non-bitten, arm. As he did he asked:

"Clem what's-"


He was cut off by an eardrum shattering bang as Nick had accidentally fired the rifle, missing Clementine by mere inches and hitting the ground to her right.

Y/N saw red, ignoring his pain and fatigue as he pushed himself to his feet.

"Damn it! Finger off the trigger son!" Pete yelled as he grabbed the rifle from Nick's hands.

"I'm not your-"


Before Nick could finish he received a fist to the face, a sickening crack coming from his face as he hit the floor, blood pouring from his nose.

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