Who's the Daddy?

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Clementine was sat at the kitchen table of the cabin while Y/N was sat on a stool. Carlos was inspecting Y/N's arm while Luke paced and Nick anxiously bit his fingernails.

"This may hurt a little" Carlos said as he poked and prodded. Y/N didn't react or bat an eyelid.

"How's he look?" Luke asked with concern.

"The girl's suturing skills need some work, but otherwise I'd say he should be fine." Carlos replied.

Luke sighed in relief and added "so it wasn't a lurker bite?"

"No. If it had been the fever would have set in already" Carlos replied. Nick quickly walked out the kitchen and Luke followed him. Carlos re-bandaged Y/N's arm and then went to the sink to wash his hands.

"I wish you wouldn't've done what you did" he said angrily, looking at Clementine.

"Y/N was hurt and you weren't helping." Clem fired back.

"Because we considered you a threat. Which you were. Maybe you still are."

Y/N chuckled, causing the doctor to turn and look at him as he spoke:

"You should thank your lucky stars, doc, that it was me hurt and not Clementine. Every single fucking person that has got between me and keeping her safe, heh, they all took a dirt nap, every single one."

A look of intimidation quickly grew on the doctor's face as he stammered in reply:

"We put you in that shed out of concern for the safety of our loved ones. And then you escaped and persuaded my daughter to steal from us."

"I asked her to help, to help save my best friends life" Clementine fired back angrily.

"Stay away from my daughter! She's an innocent flower unlike you two" Carlos snapped. Y/N sneered:

"I have no interest in going anywhere near your daughter. But talk to Clem like that again and you won't like what happens."

The doctor stormed out of the kitchen as Y/N smirked. He got off the stool and walked over to the kitchen table, taking a seat next to Clementine. She was instantly attached to him, her head on his shoulder as she held his left hand, both of hers easily fitting around his one as she ran her finger up and down his hand scar.

"I was really scared tonight Y/N. I thought I was going to lose you" she said with a quiet whimper.

"Hey, I'm sorry for that Clemmy. I am"

Clementine nodded and replied:

"What about Lee? And Carley and Christa?"

"I'm... I'm not sure Clem. We were separated a long way up the river. It's gonna be pretty hard to find them."

Clem nodded and dug her head more into Y/N's shoulder as Luke entered the room with two bowls of steaming oatmeal.

"Hey, uh... brought you both some food, if you're hungry."

He placed the bowls in front of the kids and they both got stuck in as he sat across from them.

"That's gonna leave of hell of a scar" he chuckled. Y/N swallowed his mouthful of oatmeal and replied "add it to the list."

Nick walked back in the room as Luke replied:

"Got a few have ya?"

Clementine spoke excitedly before Y/N could.

"He's got a gunshot wound on his shoulder he got protecting me. Then this dog bite, protecting me, and then..."

She trailed off, releasing Y/N's left hand to expose the thick scarring across his palm.

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