Day One

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A/N: The story takes a dark turn going forward. Just a heads up- hope you enjoy.

It had taken Clementine a while to cry herself to sleep, and she was woken up by a gentle shake of her shoulder and a soothing voice.

"Clementine, Clementine it's time to wake up."

She sat as she woke, confused, before suddenly looking around for Y/N, only to discover he hadn't returned during the night.

She was shocked to see the face of Bonnie above her head, being the pleasant voice wakening Clem.


Bonnie woke up before dawn and checked her watch, it was just five am but she was awake now, may as well get up.

She hadn't slept well in all honesty, the guilt from the previous evening overwhelming her. She headed out to the compound's kitchen and made a coffee, sitting with Shel and Russell, both of whom had been had been on the nightshift guard duty the previous night.

"Mornin'" Bonnie said with a tired smile that was reciprocated by the others.

"Easy night?" Bonnie asked.

"Strange night" Russell replied as Shel nodded and explained:

"Troy and Bill were in Bill's office all night."

"God knows what they were doing in there" Russell added with a chuckle. Bonnie though wasn't laughing. She had a horrible idea what had happened. Before she could reply Troy and Carver walked in, smiles on their faces, bruised and bloodied knuckles on their hands.

Bonnie's heart jumped out of her chest.

"Bonnie, Troy and I had a late night, we're gonna catch some z's. You and Tavia are in charge of the new people, take Wyatt and Vince with you. Make sure they're working and I'll talk to them tomorrow."

Bonnie stared at Bill wide eyed and nodded.


"C'mon Clem, you've got to have some breakfast then it's time for work" Bonnie said with a smile as Clem rubbed her eyes and stood up.

"Where's Y/N?" Clementine asked angrily. Bonnie looked the other way and didn't answer her as Rebecca yelled out "Where's Alvin?" and Kenny "Where the fuck is my boy?"

Tavia yelled to the group "next person who asks me where someone is gets shot. You, what's your name?" She asked pointing at Kenny. He glared at the woman, wanting to tear her throat out with his teeth before shoving the barrel of her AK up her ass and opening fire.

"Kenny. His name is Kenny" Sarita answered, worried at the look on her lover's face.

"Kenny, you'll be outside with Mike and Reggie. Vince and Wyatt are supervising. Your name?" Tavia asked Sarita.

"Sarita" she replied.

"Sarita, Jane, Rebecca, Sarah, Nick, you lot are working up on the roof in the greenhouses. Carlos you need to start an inventory of medical supplies. Bill's resting today so when you're walking through the facility keep your voices down. Hurry up and head to the commissary and get some breakfast in. We start work in ten minutes. Move!"

The others headed inside as Clementine looked around confused, asking Bonnie:

"What am I supposed to do?"

"You're working with me today sweety" Bonnie smiled.


After a quick breakfast of rice and beans in a large open room Bonnie led Clementine to a smaller room that was full of guns and magazines. Clementine had never seen such an armoury.

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