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Y/N was stirring awake when his mind suddenly clicked into gear- Clementine said she had heard voices!

He jumped up and looked around in the darkness before he heard Clementine desperately screaming for help. Y/N rushed outside, just in time to hear a gunshot, see Clementine fall and Arvo standing with Mike and Bonnie near the pick up with a rifle in his hands.

"Clem oh my God" Bonnie shrieked, rushing over towards her before she stopped dead, seeing Y/N with wide open eyes and a look of pure animalistic hatred growing on his face, eerily illuminated by the moonlight.

"Y/N, it was an accident I swea-"

Bonnie was cut off by Y/N pulling his gun, firing instantly into her face. The bullet entered through her eye and exploded out the back of her head as she fell to the floor, dead.

"Jesus Chr-" Mike yelled before he was cut off and screamed in pain, two shots ringing out as one quickly went through each of his kneecaps and he collapsed to the ground in agony.

Arvo was panicking as he backed up, attempting to reload the rifle he had just used to shoot Clementine. He back up in fear, whimpering "nyet nyet" to himself as Y/N stalked towards the Russian silently, white rage on the Dixon boy's face.

Y/N ripped the gun from Arvo's hand, throwing it to his left as he smashed his forehead into Arvo's nose. The Russian fell backwards to the floor as Y/N mounted him, turning his glock in his hand, gripping its chamber tight.

Y/N struck Arvo in the face with the butt of his gun. He struck again and again and again, pistol whipping the Russian who gargled through his broken face, his crushed cheekbones, his broken teeth.

Kenny and Jane rushed from the house, arriving to see the chaos. Clementine was face down in a pool of blood, Mike was trying to drag himself away, Y/N was roaring a guttural roar, Arvo's face destroyed beyond recognition as Y/N finally stopped swinging.

Kenny and Jane ran over to Clementine, turning her over and were quickly relieved- she had been shot in the collarbone area, but the bullet had gone right through.

"She's alive, Y/N. She's alive" Kenny yelled as he picked her up.

"Get AJ and the food in the car Jane, I'll get Clementine" Kenny said as he rushed to the car, starting the ignition and jumping in the backseat next to Clementine as he attempted to do first aid with the slim pickings they had left.

Y/N stood and passed Jane, walking towards Mike as he said coldly:

"I only need a minute."

"Y/N please, it was an accident. It was an accident- ahhh!"

Mike screamed as he was cut off, Y/N stomping hard on his lower back. Y/N pulled his knife from its scabbard on his leg, stabbing Mike's lower back, before slicing across his spine, instantly paralysing the lower half of Mike's body. He continued to scream in pain as Y/N got up and walked away, Mike's cried pain turned to absolute agony as a walker emerged from the forest, knelt down next to him and bit into his face, tearing a huge strip of flesh from Mike's lip up to his cheek.

Y/N walked towards the pickup as Jane stood at the passenger front side door with AJ in her arms, staring at Y/N with absolute terror on her face.

Y/N walked to the driver seat, and seeing Kenny in the back tending to Clementine, got in the driver's seat and, once Jane got into the car, drove away, leaving Mike's ear piercing screams on the night sky as more walker's appeared from the forest and tore him to pieces.


Clementine's eyes fluttered open as she saw Jane in a seat in front of her and heard her say "on the left. Slow down" and Y/N in the driver's seat snap "shut the fuck up!"

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