Trapped (Minichapter)

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You wake up in a void. Everything is so fuzzy and it's hard to move. It's like the air itself is restraining you. You can barely lift your arm. You set your arm on fire to try and see, but there is only a thick fog. You try pushing it away but it comes back. You launch blasts of various attacks. Fire, ice, lightning, light, pure energy, you try everything but nothing works. You grow in frustration. You look around and notice the ghost of All For One or whatever it is.

"Oh great, you're here. Perfect," you say. Surprisingly it responds.

"Surprised? Shouldn't be. I've been watching you for a while. Even helped you while fighting Stain," it says. You looked at it shocked.

"And stop thinking of me as an "it." I'm a man like, well I would say you but clearly that isn't the case," it-

"He!" he responds.

"First, why are you helping me? Second, how can you read my thoughts?" you ask.

"Why the questions? I want to see you survive, for I have big plans for you and I can't have people like Stain or All For One to stop it. Second, I exist outside of it all. I can basically do whatever I want, like reading your, AND THE AUTHOR'S, mind," he explains.

"Huh? So you're not All For One? Why do you look like him? And what author?" you ask.

"No, I'm a separate entity from AFO, I just need a physical body to interact with this world. Being in this marble helps me materialize, or when you're close to death. And the author who's typing what you and I say, transcribing events so others can view them. He's a bigger observer than I am, and will try to stop me and your ghost mom from interfering," he explains more.

"So why AFO? And my ghost mom?"

"AFO because why not? I could be Bruce, Dick, Izuku, hell I could even show up as the Author if I want," he says while changing his form to fit those names, before returning to his AFO form. "And your mom has a strong spiritual presence, like me but way, WAY weaker. She shouldn't interfere much. Since she died she's been stuck at her current level."

You are about to speak when suddenly you're in a bar. You feel a hand on your neck, but the hand is missing a finger. Your eyes glance around and notice Bakugo.

"Oh. That's Shigaraki's hand on my neck, isn't it?" you ask.

"Nah," Saiko says.

"Oh God, it's worse. I see they got you too Bakugo?" you say.

"Now, now Y/N that's no way to act. I thought I raised you better," a mysterious voice says. A voice you recognize.

"Father? Ugh," you say.

"Father?" Bakugo asks. You overhear the news as Saiko drags you to a chair next to Bakugo and locks you into it. The news is an interview with some of UA's staff and they are being treated like villains.

"Isn't that strange? The heroes are becoming the bad guys. Seems like they're not dealing with this very well at all," Shigaraki says.

"So much criticism. But everyone makes a mistake or two, right? It's not like they're supposed to be perfect. Modern-day heroes sure have it rough. Don't you think, Bakugo?" Shigaraki asks.

"What about me, huh?" you ask.

"Master wanted you not me, you're only going to be here for a little bit until Saiko takes you to him," Shigaraki said. You realize what this means. The torture and abuse, you don't want that. You don't want to go back. You silently have a panic attack while everyone else keeps talking. Bakugo is really the only one who notices or cares.

Someone you don't recognize unties Bakugo from his chair. The moment he's free, he attacks Shigaraki, blasting him back a bit, before he uses explosions to free you. You immediately jump up and power up to Overdrive at 15%. You both get ready to attack when everyone is distracted by a knock on the door.

"Pizza delivery!"

Hello everyone! Thanks for reading! What's with Y/N asking so many questions, huh? Shits gonna get wild next chapter and there will be a nice little crossover from a different anime. Stay tuned to see what's in store for our young protagonist, or you guys, since this is a male reader insert. Be ready for a special gift from an alternate Y/N!

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