2: Portal

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Killian Pov:
Standing on my ship i unsheathe my sword. "What in the bloody hell do you think you're doing?!" Felix just puts his club on his shoulder. "We need to search the ship." More Lost boys appear on deck. "What for?" "A girl." I scoff. "A girl? At sea? Don't be daft!"

Suddenly everything ripples and I'm awake- slamming my head on the bunk above mine. Damn Lost Boys. At least that was almost 300 years ago. And I'll make sure my daughter doesn't end up there if we can help it- just in case. "Cap'n!! Cap'n!!!! We're heading for a portal!!" Swearing I get up and climb on deck. "What's that Mr. Smee?" Not caring that i'm in my pyjamas I jog up the steps to the steering wheel. "Where do you think it will take us?" Turning around I see y/n staring at the portal- her spirit ready for adventure.

Y/n Pov:
Outfit Inspiraton

Y/n Pov: Outfit Inspiraton

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When Mr. Smee started screaming about a portal a thrill goes through you. You've been to many realms, and despite being only 17 you've lived for almost 200 years. Realm jumping does that to a person. "Where do you think it will take us?" You frown when you see the worry in your dads eyes. He's always trusted your ability to handle yourself- and you can finally beat him in a dual. As we speed uncontrollably toward the portal you start thinking about the nightmares you've been having. Every night the same dream. A voice telling you you'll be found, and you've got a weird feeling that the voice belongs to the person that opened this portal. Putting one hand on your sword you clench it shut and hold onto the rigging with the other as The Jolly Roger dips forward into the swirling whirlpool.

Bursting through the other side the crew is silent as they take in their surroundings. It's ocean for miles. "Bloody Hell." Turning around to your father's voice, you gasp when you see what he's been cursing at. A god damn island. A huge, foreboding Island. Walking over to him you whisper cautiously. "Dad- this is Neverland isn't it?" You watch as he just nods. "Aye." Even though you've heard tales about what dwells here you can't seem to muster much fear. Instead you're reminded again of the voice. "You know I'll be ok right?" Killian suddenly grabs your hands with his own. "Y/n. I've tried my best to raise you as a strong young women, and I couldn't have asked for more. But I haven't told you everything about my time here. I know we don't keep secrets and I'm sorry- but I'm telling you now." Frowning you wait for him to continue. "The Lost Boys are looking for a girl. They search every damn ship and there's no way they don't already know we're here. I've told you about Bae- and how they took him just because. I have no idea what they might want with you." Chewing your lip at the worry in his tone- you glance away and fight the guilt of not telling him your biggest secret. "Dad- remember that time I said I dropped my candle?" You shiver as the memory of that night comes rushing back.

Gasping for air you sit up in bed and clutch the sides, squeezing your eyes shut. The memory of your mothers screams still ringing in your ear. Digging your fingers tighter into the wood you try to calm yourself down, only to smell smoke. Smoke? What- opening your eyes you watch in confusion as a trail of flames moves from your hand along the side of the bed frame. Clutching your hand to your chest you inspect it- no burn marks. Did I- create that?! "Hey! What's that smell!!!" "Fire! Fire!!" Still in a state of disbelief you shake your head and grab the candle from the draw below you, dipping the wick into the flame. "I dropped my candle! That's all!!!" As Killian bursts in with a bucket of water you make sure to clench your fists tight- willing away any panic or worry.

"Course I do- but that was years ago. What about it?" Deciding to leave it you just clear your throat. "Nothing- just- I know I can defend myself." Hook just stares into your eyes. "Listen- I know you're not telling me something- but we have bigger fish to fry so I'll leave it till you're ready ok?" You smile at him. "Thanks dad." Turning to face the crew he puts an arm around your shoulders and faces the them. Before he address them an arrow lands tip down into the middle of the deck. "What the-"

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